Ellie 5192

  • Wanna Make History Start Today?

    aka "Foster's foster". Gillian takes in a small boy and nothing is ever the same. Post season 3, canon compliant, Callian fluff, kidfic.

  • Hades Let Them Leave

    "Something has changed in the last three days. Emily can't put her finger on it, but in the time between her leaving for Chicago on Tuesday and arriving back home on Friday, something is… different." Third in this loose series, follows Orpheus and Eurydice; can stand alone if you like. Callian, post-series, canon-compliant. One-shot.

  • Be Mine At Tax Time

    "Cal, why are you looking up company tax structures on the IRS website?" Callian established relationship, post-series, canon-compliant, hopefully law-compliant too but don't quote me on that. One-shot, full of fluff, absolutely teeth-rotting.

  • Orpheus Never Turned

    "Cal is so much better at loving her when he thinks another man isn't doing it right... And that's the problem. She needs Cal to love her in all the moments in between, too." Gillian works out what she wants, sees it standing right in front of her, and she goes out and gets it. Callian. Post-Canon. Canon-compliant. Oneshot. Complete.

  • Six Impossible Things

    "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Written for the CloserFest 2014, Prompt 95: "andy/sharon - first there was the wedding, then there was the ballet and andy's still not sure if any of them were dates".

  • To sleep, perchance to dream

    "Sharon Raydor is sleeping in his bed." - Prompt 179: Andy is surprised to find Sharon asleep in his bed after a long day at work. Pre-ship fluff. Canon-compliant, set before season 3.5.

  • The Slow Turning Tide

    "She was not so unaware of herself as to not notice the road they were travelling, step by step, dinner after dinner; family invitations one after the other until the extra dining set at the table was always hers." Shandy, no longer a one-shot. Unknown chapters to come.

  • Enough For Now

    Sneakers [1992]. Bishop/Liz. Martin Brice contemplates his new life while Martin Bishop wonders just how much trouble Liz will let him get away with. A study in split personalities. One-shot.

  • The Judgement of Solomon

    "She pauses, eyes him critically. Takes in his height and his terrible haircut. Looks at her boy that is now a man, and decides that yes, he is most certainly old enough to hear this from her. It's about time she stopped wrapping her children in cotton wool and deluding herself." One-shot.

  • The Art of Play

    Challenge: "Sharon and Andy go on a sex toy website together"… and then a whole lot more… Smut. Porn. PWP. Whatever you want to call it, it's rated M and probably should get buried in the dark corners of the internet. But alas, you get it here instead. With love and thanks to Jules, M, and Shelley, my partners in crime.

  • They Bring Me To You - For All Time (2000)

    "Is this a big part of the process?" she asks with a smile. "Picking a name in advance?" Next in the Simple Times series. Also posted in the Simple Times collection.

  • Film Noir

    Written for Closer FicFest 2014, prompt 96: "andy/sharon - 1940s au. andy's partner/sharon's husband is killed in the middle of a big investigation. sharon comes to andy to help and he doesn't want her help only realize that pretty much all his partner's ideas had been sharon's and they team up."

  • Simple Times - For All Time (2000)

    [REPOST] A series of one-shots in the wake of For All Time, exploring the married life of Charles Lattimer and Laura Brown. Posted as a single story for ease of reading/following. Chapters also posted individually as one-shots. Rating of individual chapters will vary.

  • I Want You

    "But the reality was – and here was the kicker – the reality was she had completely fallen in love with him." (reposted from tumblr) Sharon/Andy fluffy one-shot I posted ages ago and am transferring over here. [Edited for typos]

  • The Greenest Grass - For All Time (2000)

    "Come sit out on the porch with me" says Laura to her mother. "And watch my idiot husband throw his back out" Laura/Charles. Follows The Willow in the Simple Times series. Family fluff. Can stand alone.

  • Down To Your Bones

    "He's not entirely sure how he managed to become Ass Number One, he just knows that he did, and now Jim Harper wants him severely injured and Mackenzie is hurting" . prompt-fic, pre-proposal, one-shot.

  • The Willow - For All Time (2000)

    "But don't you worry, we'll be fine" Next in the Simple Times series featuring Laura and Charles in post-wedded bliss, but can stand alone. - It seems they both have news to share. - Fluff and family, with a heavy dose of angst. [warning: mention of miscarriage]

  • What If You - For All Time (2000)

    "I've been offered a permanent job by correspondence – my own cartoon column in a daily paper in the city" The thought of the train taking him to St Louis and never bringing him back is too much. Charles needs talking off the ledge before he loses his mind. L/C, angst and fluff. Follows Anywhere Your Love Goes, but can stand alone.

  • Anywhere Your Love Goes - For All Time (2000)

    "They finish their supper in easy silence, sharing looks between them, and laughing at each other over the silliest things. It's carefree and sweet in a way he craved for so long. Sometimes he pinches himself just to be sure it's still real." - Sequel to Paperweight. Can stand alone. Fluff and family one-shot.

  • Paperweight - For All Time (2000)

    "She hums at him as they look at one another, and she thinks they must look like young newlyweds in that moment. It's not far from accurate; their love is young and they are only a few months wed. Charles makes her feel like a teen again, with her racing heart and easy smiles, so it is not so strange a comparison to make, she thinks, at least in the shelter of their bedroom." (L/C)