

  • Tangled Fate

    Spiderman was just trying to survive in her world when she was suddenly pulled into the world of the Justice League. Can she recover from her wounds left from her own universe and perhaps gain a family? Note not quite human, Fem!spidey – Persia Peyton Parker, during/after civil war.

  • Alternative

    What if it wasn't just Cybertron that gained the Minicon signal, but also SHIELD from the Marvel universe. Fury has sent some of his agents to find out what is going on. Problem is when they arrive, they to are transformers. Fem!sparkling!Spidey. Other marvel characters as well. TF Armada

  • Arachne Asylum

    Spidey is betrayed and left for dead by those she thought she could could trust. Now she suddenly ends uo in a different universe with fragmented memories and as something else. Can anyone help her or will she remain distant? fem!sparkling!Spidey, Prime verse, movies mentioned.