
  • Unglued

    Casey faces the realities of his injury and a possible career change. Featuring ghost Andy and a concerned Severide. Updated 3.11! COMPLETE!

  • Perpetual Motion

    Captain America/Snowpiercer AU. After Steve crashes the plane, he wakes up in a different world with a different identity. This time, he's fighting a completely different war.

  • Pure American Brother

    All that time spent looking for Bucky, and now he's waiting at Steve's front door. The whole situation is so anticlimactic, more so than Steve could ever imagine. Angst, banality, and chain smoking Bucky.

  • Voicemail

    One message in her mailbox. One-shot post ep for 2x18 Until Your Feet Leave the Ground. SPOILERS.

  • The Accident

    Casey gets heartbreaking news from Miami just as he's settling in at CFD headquarters. Andy Darden is still making regular appearances. Sequel to Unglued. ON HIATUS