A powerful, cunning and ruthless Hadrian Potter takes on the world. Dark sometimes evil HP. Has child abuse in first chapter Do Not Read if it Offends Master/slave, BDSM, Spanking, Rape, Under age sex, Patriarchal Hogwarts starts at 15 HP/DG/HG/PP/PP/SL/Multi No slash Have also posted this story on This story keeps getting more sexual, might get pulled.
Dark Lord Hadrian Potter and his quest to gain power, followers, servants and slaves. Very AU HP/multi D/s spanking under age sex forced sex Hogwarts starts at 13 very minor slash will let know so it can be skipped with out changing the story most M/f, M/fff or f/f some group updated chapters 1-3 easier to read
Hermione learns that this is not her first life. She decides to change Harry's life with the help of her father. AU Harry/Hermione/others underage sex M/s Slowly darkening Harry