White Rose of Wutai

  • A Thousand Miles

    Gavin is left, naked, beaten and bloody, on the doorstep of the Rooster Teeth office after being date raped. At first, no one has any idea who the rapist was, but Geoff has sworn revenge on the arsehole who dared touch his pseudo-son. Then some eye witnesses come forward, with statements that shock the employees of Rooster Teeth to the very core. Eventual Mavin (Michael/Gavin)

  • I am Human

    Just why is Voldemort so evil? When did it start? Is it all his fault? Why is Dumbledore the one wizard he always feared?

  • Why Weren't You There?

    Remus Lupin and Severus Snape have formed an unlikely bond, but can they stay together whilst those close to them try to keep them apart? Slash - Snape/Lupin

  • Kissing Trixie

    We all know that Andromeda was Sirius's favorite cousin, but she wasnt always. Up untill the age of 12, it was always 'Siri-and-Trixie'. Contains Sirius and Bellatrix Black aged 8 and 9.

  • A witch and a werewolf

    After a transformation, Remus overhears the golden trio talking about him, and many hidden feelings come to light.

  • Error: System Crashed

    Ryan Haywood/Gavin Free, Freewood, Rooster Teeth, Achievement Hunter. Ryan takes a nap at the office, and Gavin thinks he looks cold. Cute pre-relationship cuties are cute.

  • The Monster's Final Chapter

    After the death of Dr Frankenstein, the monster still longs for companionship. (some mild gore. Murder)

  • Growl 'n Hiss

    Prompt: any pairing, dogs start barking at each other in the vets waiting room. (altered slightly because Gavin has a cat) Rooster Teeth. Meg Turney/Gavin Free, Meg/Gavin, TurnFree First meetings.

  • Scratch 'n Bite

    Meg needed to kitty-sit Smee. In the same house where Penny lives. For a whole week. What could possibly go wrong? Sequel to Growl 'n Hiss. Meg Turney/Gavin Free. Turnfree. Rooster teeth. Meg/Gavin

  • Behind the Walls You Built

    Rooster Teeth fic Griffon and Geoff have been together for a while now, and she feels like now is the right time to take the next step. However Geoff has a secret from his past that still effects him, and Griffons proposal has brought some painful memories back to haunt him. You see, Geoff's ex-wife use to abuse, hit, rape and manipulate him. (Sorry for terrible summery)

  • The Chronicles of Juggfree

    Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter Michael has to drive Gavin to the dentist. Whilst drugged up, Gavin admits to something involving the engaged Michael and Lindsay Michael/Lindsay/Gavin Gavin Free, Michael Jones, Lindsay Tuggey, threesome, Polyamourous rated for later chapters

  • He Never Came Home

    Ginny is remembering the day Harry Potter left, and never came home. HP/GW het. Small sex reference.

  • Bloodline

    Lucius Malfoy is up late choosing a name for his unborn son, but what name will be fitting to his pureblooded heir? His wife is asleep with a headcold, but what does Narcissa Malfoy really think about her families pureblood status?