
  • Dorm Days

    Destiel. When their dad vanishes, maybe for good, Sam wrestles Dean into college... with an angelic roommate. Living a normal life was not part of Dean's future plans. But he's fitting in, tied down; and he doesn't mind one bit. All he needed was an anchor worth being tied to.

  • Connectivity

    Artificial Intelligence is a threat to mankind. Everybody knows it, but who'll do something about it? We know, of course, but unfortunately someone isn't as aware of what a Winchester is really capable of as we are...

  • Bending Supernatural Reality

    Destiel Leaning towards a wish of cannon comes a handful of Supernatural episodes, showing Dean's developing but hesitant affection towards his Angel, who has been pretty settled on the idea for a while.

  • Hurry Up and Wait

    Heroes don't take nights off. But Robin has been pushing his friends too hard in the war against crime, and after letting himself experience some normal things for a change, he falls into something not-so-usual after a wipeout leaves him seeing stars. The magnetic pull that is Wally West might be more than just his charm or his super-charged neurons.

  • Strings and Picks

    Destiel. Dean is a guitar teacher at Cas's college. When Cas is homeless, how will living with his guitar teacher affect Cas?

  • Guster

    Supernatural prose.

  • Cain's Touch vs Castiel's

    A short Destiel blurb. Dean is fraying at the ends, and he needs saving. Cain's mark is a heavy burden he shouldn't have to carry alone.