

  • A Marauder's Guide to Falling in Love

    Of course Marlene didn't like Sirius Black in that way. He was however, in all certainty, extremely attractive and he bloody well knew it. Despite the fact that she had very little reason to interact with the self proclaimed 'Marauder's' their paths seemed to somehow cross more often than ever before. Lily saw it. Of course she did, she's Lily Evans – she's never wrong. Cont inside

  • A Marauder's Guide to Getting the Girl

    He must have seen her nearly every day for the past five years but there she was, looking at him with those wide brown eyes and now it was like he was looking at her for the very first time. How had he never seen it before? Sirius POV to "A Marauder's Guide to Falling in Love."

  • Against All Odds

    Sally-Anne Perks enters her fifth year only to find that it's far from ordinary. Her friends are keeping secrets from her & a certain Slytherin is up to something. As Sally-Anne tries to figure it out, the magical realm is in full swing to repeat History

  • Harry Potter and the Poem of Emotions

    This is a poem I did for a book assignment in English 10-1. It's based on Harry's emotions at the beginning of OotP. Don't read if you haven't read OotP! Please R&R! Thanks!