
  • Lazy Mornings

    Their lazy mornings together. This is my first Goddess Test fanfic, and I'm not sure as to leave this as a one shot or add more chapters. Let me know. Please read and review. This is for mature adults only. Lemony goodness

  • To Have It All

    A short story about Christmas Day at Malfoy Manor, and the festive fun that Lord and Lady Malfoy get up to. Rated M for a reason. READ AND REVIEW PLEASE

  • Love From A Law

    Draco and Hermione are forced to get married after the Ministry passes a new law. Couples are brought together; to find love from a law.

  • Mudblood to Pureblood

    Hermione is no longer a mudblood. In fact she finds out that she has a twin: Blaise Zabini. Now she's Amara Zabini; and Draco thinks he's in love. Characters are OOC.

  • Love Story

    Draco and Hermione are returning to Hogwarts after the war for their 8th Year. They manage to find love within each other, but will they be able to cross all hurdles that are sent towards them, and stay together. Read and Review!