

    30 Prompts in 30 Days for your favourite Fandom OTP. From Hogwarts to Zombies, Spies to Superheroes, there's a prompt & a fiction for everything... Here, RedVines or Ron Weasley & Neville Longbottom are the Chosen OTP... Read & Review.

  • A Gryffindor's Heart for Courage

    [Day 1 Infinity Challenge Prompt: Hogwarts] The day Neville has been dreading all year long has finally arrived once again, although this time, his grandmother is no longer able to provide comfort and stability. Ron is also dreading the day,for very different reasons, though; what do you say? What can you do to help? The redhead fears upsetting the other. Established RedVines. R&R.

  • The Wrong Son

    The name escapes before it can be drawn back, both of them know it, but it only confirms what he has thought all along. Darkness Runs, but count the cost, the battle is won, but the son is lost.

  • What Do You See?

    "Have you ever looked in a mirror, and wished it could talk back to you? I have. The one who looks back is not me, though he wears my face." Unable to cope with the loss of his own living mirror, George finds an unusual coping strategy that slowly devolves into a situation that threatens his own family. Darker than my normal fare of fanfics, & rather AU. Do enjoy.

  • I'll Be Waiting For You

    "Her head turned to survey the smouldering wreckage of the castle, hearing nothing from it, her shoulders lost the tense rigidity they had carried for hours after the battle ceased. No cries of wounded children rang out any longer, the wailing for those lost had ceased as the remaining slowly sank into safe, exhausted sleep..." McGonagall/Dumbledore AU. Requested. Enjoy, & Feel.

  • Oh Professor: A Horror Story

    WARNING: This is for only the bravest to read, for you - the reader- are the main character here. And it is you, who are trapped in depraved detention with Dolores Umbridge. There is every chance this may screw you up for life, so I ask you again as you reach for your eye-gouging implement of choice... ARE YOU BRAVE ENOUGH FOR THIS? [Challenge Response fic. R&R]

  • One Of These Things Is Not A Twin Anymore

    Written in response to a blatant challenge to my ability to make people cry over the Weasley Twins. Stages of Grief and Disbelief in a world full of magic and ghosts...

  • Victory Is Crimson Red

    Tumblr Prompt, "Never Again -Draco Malfoy to Harry Potter" AU. The Battle of Hogwarts has a far greater cost than ever could have imagined, and standing amongst the rubble, the one whose hands their blood stains... who draws the accusing vacant eyed stares of the dead... everything is suddenly too real. This was his fault, how could he have ever imagined such terrible cost?

  • The Tell-Tale Candy Heart

    Tumblr Prompt, "Be Mine -Remus Lupin" AU. Some might argue that the true prankster masterminds of Hogwarts in the days of the Marauders, were the incorrigible pair of Sirius Black and James Potter... but those who were there would tell you that it was Remus Lupin. Quiet, unassuming, unprankable... try, and it would backfire quite splendiforously. As his friends often learned.

  • Do You Wanna Hear A Secret?

    Semi-FROZEN AU. Tumblr Prompt, "Do you want to hear a secret? -Draco Malfoy" Opportunity comes knocking at the door to their Hogwarts Express compartment... Harry's a little over it, in all honesty.

  • I'm Not As Drunk As You Think I Am

    Tumblr Prompt AU. A certain group of teens get their hands on some firewhiskey... and things go downhill from there.

  • You Beg Me To Hate Myself

    Tumblr Prompt, "Just Let Me Die -Dean Winchester :)" AU. Detoxing from Demon blood wasn't just hard on Sam, it tore at the people closest to him; especially big brother, Dean... who has spent his life trying to keep Sam from this exact kind of situation. And now he's helpless to stop the pain, stop the screams... and it's killing him.

  • Betwixt Heaven & Hell

    Tumblr Prompt, "Nico di angelo/Jason grace with "Don't go." Please ( )" Nico knows death, he sees it in everything his eyes fall upon... but there is one who outshines this, who chases the darkness away, one he needs to know is there. Such a selfish desire... he can never allow himself, for their fathers are constantly at war with one another; love cannot prosper in this gard

  • Just A Wee Little Thing He Loved About Humanity

    Someone literally just put "Castiel, the scene thing" as a prompt in my askbox, so... this was born. Our beloved little angel muses on how oddly fantastic it is to be human, and therefore able to urinate... less bizarre than it sounds.

  • Space, The Final Why-Are-We-Out-Here?

    Tumblr Prompt, "Kiss Me You Idiot -Castiel" AU. Dean has a deep dark secret... involving a certain five-year mission to explore strange new worlds; a certain Trickster Archangel is very much aware of this. Thus, his current conundrum... floating in space, seething with rage... And that's when things take a turn for the WORSE...

  • We Fucked Up

    Prompt, "Don't Go -Dean Winchester". Determined to go down on Dick with their secret weapon, Sam and Dean first have to get through the last scrap of family they have left living -Castiel. The diminished angel won't let them fling their lives away, and tries to argue them out of taking Dick; whilst simultaneously feeling slightly shafted they won't let him come along for 'safety'

  • She's My Baby

    Tumblr Prompt ["Do you love me? -Castiel or Dean] AU. Gabriel is an ass... and one of his pranks happens to have long-term consequences... Not that any of them really mind, that is... because this time the payout is somewhat adorable.

  • Context & Pregnant Pauses

    Tumblr Prompt: "I'm Pregnant & it's yours -Castiel" Things are not at all what they seem...

  • Condemnation Awaits Those Who Play Hero

    Tumblr Prompt, "Don't Go! -Dean Winchester" Imagine holding in your hands a piece of paper that is your ticket to a new life, a chance for you to make something of yourself... not follow in the set designs others have carved for you? What if it represented a chance to save your brother, but they just couldn't see it? The Sam-Dean College Confrontation.

  • Who Wants To Kill An Archangel?

    Tumblr Prompt AU, "'That looked easier on TV' - Gabriel" You should never let a Trickster get bored, it leads to them thinking all kids of crazy (potentially lethal) thoughts, that tend to escalate to two very human and breakable hunters running for their lives. Three guesses what happens when his channel-surfing lands on WIPE-OUT...