AU. The Untold Story of a Hero of Hogwarts. Protest all he wants, the Sorting Hat knew best... and he's a smug little bugger. Please Read & Review.
"...the door gave but a little, the padding of frantic, scrabbling claws clacking over cobblestones echoed louder…louder… in the darkness of the castle night. His heart near gave out from the fear." They Run, it Follows... Death is Coming. R&R, please.
A quiet moment between Father and Daughter.
And what if Bellatrix had not always been this way? Who can stand up to family, to everything they had ever known and defy it for the sake of individuality...? We all have a breaking point. Info inside R&R please.
Written for a Challenge. Draco & Luna are trapped in some unknown place, hearts pounding... and there's something lurking in the Shadows! What does this have to do with Babies? Find out! Please Read, and if you aren't in the foetal position, Review!
A Requested Fic. The Harry Potter characters read Twilight, to the detriment of their own health... Ron's having a panic attack, Hermione's pissed and Ginny's up for Sainthood. Why? Read and find out! - R&R!
Not entirely AU. Have you ever wondered why Ron listens to Potterwatch each and every night? The hope that he will never hear their names... he lives in a hope few can afford. And when it breaks...he will too... Friendshipfic. Sad. Feel free to Cry. R&R!
AU. Severus Snape, dead at the hands of the Dark Lord, and protector of Harry Potter...finally meets Lily and James Potter in the Afterlife. How will this go down...? Please Read & Review. Request from Alohomora Addy.
A Day in the Life of the 'Chosen One'...from Harry's Perspective. LIKE A BOSS. A Rita Skeeta and Harry Interview inspired by/a parody of, The Lonely Island's "LIKE A BOSS" Please Read and Review, please remember to use the standard foetal position. -
A sad little ficlet to make you cry. Nwville goes to see his parents at Christmas... "...hope, love, even anticipation were drained away as silvery tears of despair slid down his cheeks..." Cry, but please respond. A Review would be lovely.
Another collection of disturbing, hilarious, frightening, heart-warming or down right petrifying shorts about the strangest, creepiest pairings you can think of... Going to Wizard Hell for this. See you there! Please R&R
AU. Harry is trapped on the highest peak of Hogwarts, no way out, Voldemort wins...right? Or does he? Hilarious. So, this quote wouldn't leave I made it HP and put it here. Please Read & Review!
So Very AU, but Hilarious. Harry, Ron & Hermione are forced to confront a Cookie-weilding side of Voldemort that is far scarier than his evil persona...will they survive? Please Read & Review. 60th Fanfic!
A few words from a heart-broken little boy to his long-gone family; the war made orphans of them all. Please let me know how you feel about this, never written from Teddy's perspective before. Review, please?
A small Drabble for each Letter of the Alphabet. From 'A is for Always' to 'Z is for Zonko's' An assortment of funny, sad, horrifying, tear-jerking, beautiful, weird and generalised wonderful HP Drabbles. Please Read them and offer a Review.
A short story I wrote for a self-made challenge involving Draco & Luna, Love, Always & Scotland. Details Inside "A frustrated fist slammed into the window as a small, hot, salty tear slipped out unbidden and rolled down his pale features." D/L R&R Plz?
So VERY AU. So, you all know the song...what if someone were to put a Magical spin on it? You are going to LOL yourself off your Broomstick when you read this! XD Please Read & Review!
Slightly AU. At her wit's end, Mrs Weasley is forced to do something Drastic about the Twins after their latest prank, involving poor baby Ron, backfires. This was inspired by a certain line in the Books, involving Arachnids and fears...Guess!
Slightly AU. Imagine Being One of Seven...Everyone else has that special something that makes others sit up and take notice...what happens if you don't? Ron's Take on his Siblings.
Random little idea...Ron & Harry loose Hermione for a second...and are disturbed beyond measure. Be prepared to be absolutely horrified, and then Laugh your behind off! R&R...