

  • My Self-Insert Story

    I know SI stories are generally cancer, but I always thought to myself, "God Harry's stupid, he should do this instead." So this is my interpretation of what I would do in Harry's shoes with the benefit of foreknowledge. No pairings because I'm not a pedophile, and rated M because I swear like a drunken sailor with a broken leg.

  • Hidden Harry

    What if the "power he knows not" is simply LOTS AND LOTS of power? A silly story written for my pwn amusement about an OP Harry Potter who doesn't realize just how OP he is. Rated M for fear of the thought police.

  • Plot Bunnies

    Just random plot drabbles that wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote them down. I'm not terribly good at fleshing things out, so they'll likely remain unfinished indefinitely. Rated M because if I do decide to flesh these out, some will have very bad people doing very bad things.