Witch's Runes

  • Draco and Edward's Past

    Edward and Draco were once a pair back in 1918. But then Draco gets kidnapped, put into the Malfoy family in the HP world. While Edward gets changed, and put into the Cullen Coven in Twilight. How will they both react to the sight of each other once Alice finds Edward's one and only? How will everyone react to the news that Edward had had a secret even when he was changed? R and R.

  • Prince of Arendelle Returning Home

    The royal family wasn't just Anna and Elsa, but an heir to the throne who was born long before Elsa's turn to rule, this is a story about how Draco Malfoy found out that he was a royal... You got that right, Draco Malfoy is the lost Prince of Arendelle. But that's not all. Read to find out more in this shocking flaming story about the royal family of Arendelle. Read and Review!

  • Harry and the Gang Read Harry Potter (Year 1-4)

    Harry and his friends, along with Draco and Pansy, are all stuck in a room. There, they find the Harry Potter books. Can they learn to get along? Some secrets are revealed, while some remain hidden. But for how much longer! Read and review!

  • Harry and the Gang Read Harry Potter (Book One & Two)

    Harry and the gang, including Draco, are all stuck in a room together, they're all confused about what's going on. When suddenly a note and seven books appear, how will Draco react to hear about Harry's childhood? Will they all learn to get along? Will they all become friends in the end? When they're done with the first book, how will Draco and Harry's legendary feud change?

  • Can't Imagen Life Without You - REPOST

    How is it that someone who was thought to have died all those years ago, could have somehow cheated death? How is it that even though he has moved on, he still finds himself lusting over the other, even after all these years? Harry thought that he was long dead. Draco didn't think that he'd see him with another person and with a family of his own! R&R! Lots of fluff and snut! DM/HP

  • The Missing Weasley Twin

    Summer before 6th year! Two unlikely woman had made a choice to protect a child. Years pass, Molly hasn't seen or heard from her since that night, suddenly finds the woman pleading for help. Narcissa, forced to give her son to the Dark Lord, suddenly reaches out for help. However, niether of them had expected this to happen. And what about the children? Especially Ron and Draco?

  • Vernon's Mistake

    Vernon has been having an affair with his nephew, ever since Harry was 10. However, no one doesn't know about this. Harry has been keeping in check, making sure that no one doesn't find out about the happenings at Privet Drive. But how much longer can he keep it all a secret? And what about the twins? Wait, what twins? Could his Uncle have done the unthinkable to him this summer?

  • Old Memories

    No epilogue. Harry just wanted to forget all about his life as a wizard, so shortly after the war, he flees never to be seeing or heard from again. But many years later, Roy has a new student, Jessica Weasley. How could something so forgotten turn up many years later? But most importantly, who really is Roy Bishop? Why didn't he tell his family in the first place? R & R!

  • The Manor

    The Manor was thought to have been only a legend, along with the family's dark pasted. Generations later, a young 16 year old boy's discovery about the truth behind his family's Manor, leads him to think that the legend in true, and he thinks that it has struck once again. This time, he's to carry out the deed, and his Manor is the place to do it. But can he really do it in time?

  • Reign of Insanily

    As Harry continues to spend more time with Bellatrix, he's lost all sanity, slipping into her level of insanity. However, only they both know the darker side of him. But what happens when he starts Marking everyone at add times during the day? How is it that he's suddenly more darker than the Dark Lord himself? And why is Bellatrix so determined to have him? Dark/Insane/Powerful HP

  • Can't Imagine Life Without You

    After year 7! How is it that one; who was thought to have been dead all these years, could still, in fact, be alive? And how is it that even though they both moved on, they both don't realize what's missing from their lives? Each other... Harry wouldn't have thought that he'd find him anywhere. Draco didn't think that he'd see him with another person and with kids too! R&R!

  • Greenwood Academy

    Everyone who starts out in their Seventh year at Hogwarts, is transferred to Greenwood Academy, a Muggle public school in America. So Dumbledore decides to go with sending all Seventh year students out into the Muggle world. Once arriving, after making some new friends, can Harry and his friends keep their secret? Or will this only be the begining?

  • Petunia's Secret

    What if Petunia had a secret? How would everyone react? Petunia has been hiding a secret from everyone, you see, she's not who we all thought she was. What if she was already married to someone else long before she met Vernon Dursley? And what dose all of this have to do with Severus Snape? Could it be that she was a Muggle-born witch herself? Read and Review!

  • Jason Tom Riddle

    Fearing for their wives' loses, two different unlikely men decided to make a horrible choice, not caring about that other family. Years later, one of the twins, Harry Potter, discovers the truth, but how does he try to work things out with his twin, when another family tries to force them to remain enemies? Bashing of Weasleys and Hermione. Summer before 7th year. Dark Harry P!

  • Fifty Years Later

    Bella gets a visitor, this visitor tells her that she is really Ginny Wealsey. But she has to leave the life that she has ever known. Will the Cullens find out? But fifty years later, Bella is back, but this time, she is angry at them all. How will they all react to her when she returns? Read and Review.

  • Bella's Twin Sister Jane

    What if Bella had a twin sister who was named Jane? What if Jane wanted to live with Bella and the Cullen Coven? So Jane stays with the Cullen Coven. So she goes and lives with them. But while staying with them, Jane wants to be just like her twin. So Bella changes her.

  • Bella's A WHAT!

    What if Bella was much older then the Cullen's had thought? What if she had a secret. Going on a family vacation at the hotel seems fun right? Not at all, after they all had arrived, Bella's acting strange. What's happening to her? Who really is Isabella Swan? And just to make it worse, how is it that only Count and his daughter knew what was really happening? Read and Review!

  • A Forbiden Love Story

    What if during seventh year, Draco decides to tell Hermione the truth about her past. How will she react when she finds out that she is the daughter of the Dark Lord and a Death Eater? How will everyone else all react once she tells them the truth? Will the three best friends still be best friends? Or will Ron try to kill her after all these years? Read and Review!

  • Snape's Secret

    When Harry is done with school, a year later Snape and Malfoy visit Harry, what they both tell him leaves him shocked. Who is he really? James Sirius Snape or Harry James Potter? When he finds out that Malfoy is his identical twin, when he finds out that Snape is his father, and when he finds out who he really is? Read and Review!