Lestrange Fate

  • Harry Potter and the Hidden Legacy

    By a stroke of blind luck Harry discovers something in Gringott's and will change his fate forever. How will he cope with the changes, the pressures, the betrayals? Read and find out. Dark Lord/Evil Seer Harry. Don't like then stop reading.

  • Project 512

    Before her death, Lily Potter worked for Project Cadmus. During her time there she took part in Project 512 and brought Doomsday's son into the world. How will Harry cope with this information? How will he cope with the betrayal? Will Superman and the Justice Leagues actions unleash something worse? Harry Potter and DC/Marvel crossover.

  • Ruler of the Court

    Unexpected changes cause Harry to find out a dangerous secret about his parentage. Dangerous magics, betrayal, and family angst stand in Harry's way as he finds out who he really is and the powers his lineage grants. Switched at Birth fic. Rated M to be safe.

  • Maitre de Mort Part One

    Redo of Maitredemort. Hyrdus Lestrange, son of Bellatrix and Rodulphus and heir of Voldemort. Hated for something his parents and uncle did. How will be handle all of the hate? By killing everyone who stands in his way. Dark/evil/manipulative Hydrus Dumbledore, Weasley, Longbotton, some McGonagall bashing. Rated for violence, language, and sex. Mainly violence.