

  • A Breaking Point

    The Hollywood version of SVU is what we've gotten. The reality is why most detectives only last two years. The cases are dark, soul-crushing, and depressing as hell. Humans can only stomach so much negativity without being drawn into it, changed by it, or lost to it. Olivia Benson is no exception. She's reached her breaking point. Is this really the end for the dynamic duo?

  • The Letter

    A sober Elliot. A redo of the letter conversation. A kiss-off then...a kiss? The current M rating is for language.

  • Thanks Munch

    She's been invited to a New Year's Eve party by her good old pal John Munch. He's always had her best interests at heart. And he'd never sell her out or spring something or someone on her out of the blue. Right? Just a two parter. Will start with T and end up very M. Characters are Dick Wolf's. AN: She and Brian broke up sooner in this and Noah hasn't come along yet.

  • The In Betweens

    "I don't beg for things Olivia," he continues. "But right now, I'm begging, begging for ten minutes of your time to go somewhere, anywhere and just…talk. Please." Ever wonder what happens "in between" days or eps with our favorite sergeant? I have. It's me so you gotta know it's EO. Rating will change to MA later...you've been warned. SVU Characters are Dick Wolf's.

  • After The Annihilation

    It's a two-parter post-ep for season 8's "Annihilated" and season 9's "Blinded". I recently saw Annihilated and it never sat well with me & many others I'm sure, that Elliot would just decide to sleep with his wife after a two year legal separation. It's not all sunshine and roses but it is E/O. That being said, please review. AN: Reviews are NOT single words like "Whoah!"

  • Best Christmas Since I Was Ten

    Olivia decides to go to the annual NYPD Christmas party. She dons a sexy dress and finds the perfect date. The problem? Elliot as usual. He's divorced, brought his own date & still finds the time to ruin Olivia's night. She thought they had an understanding. Characters are property of Dick Wolf.