

  • Legend of Angels

    what if Kurumi was the founder of the Uzumaki and the Namikaze. what if she was reborn? pairing unkown

  • Son of the Sorceress

    what if Naruto was the son of Hecate and was raised by the hunters of Artemis pairing unkown for now

  • Rabbit DxD

    What if Naruto was the son of Kaguya and thrust into the world of DxD. Read as Naruto struggles with his lineage and bring change to the world. Pairing unkown

  • Kitsune DxD: II

    Naruto is given a second chance at life by Great Red after killing Kaguya. Watch as he goes through the DxD universe Kitsune Yokai/Naruto. NarutoxHarem.

  • Search for Peace

    Fox faunus Naruto is born to fox faunus Kushina and Human Minato he has been living by himself for eight years until a certain cat faunus comes across him. eventual Naruto/Blake somewhat dark Naruto

  • Son of the Sadist

    What if Naruto was sent to another dimension after the sealing and what if Esdese took an interest in him. slightly sadistic Naruto/ice power Naruto

  • Kitsune DxD

    Naruto is given a second chance by Great Red and is turned into an infant kitsune yokai with no memories of his past. NarutoxHarem(Akeno and Rias the rest are a secret)