O'Malley's Girl

  • Writer's Block

    Post-breakup Nick Miller finally gets serious about writing his book (and discovers a rather embarrassing love for fancy coffee drinks). He decides the book might be the only way he can honestly tell Jess how he feels, but he's having trouble finishing it, especially since the guys keep trying to hook him up with the girl he asked to edit it. Ness, Schmidt/Cece

  • Toast To It

    AU! Nick Miller is still reeling from the end of his marriage to Caroline, and so is his 11 year old son, Daniel. But soon Danny's beautiful, quirky, amazing teacher has turned both their worlds upside-down. Suddenly Nick finds himself falling fast, but he's not the only one. Science teacher Ryan Geauxinue is also hoping for a chance with Jess, and Nick's not sure he can compete.