Elle Calloway

  • Kidnapping, Kindheartedness, & Keeping Secrets

    Liber8 decides to kidnap and question Kellog as to he was at the video game company when Kiera was being controlled, a few things end up being confessed and realized, Kellog calls Kiera afterwards.

  • Naʞed

    On the first day of his Seventh Year, Scorpius settled into the Head Boy position, accompanied by Rose alongside him as Head Girl. On the first day of his Seventh Year, Scorpius did not know how to work the bathrooms in the Head Boy and Girl's dormitories. So, you see, it wasn't his fault that he saw Rose Weasley naked.

  • Queen of Broken Hearts

    Stiles contemplates his and Lydia's (lack of a) relationship and his ever-present feelings for her. Drabble based on the song Queen of Broken Hearts by The Bigger Lights. Angst & Romance.

  • Guess Who's Going to Fall In Love?

    Chad's POV of Guess Who's Coming to Guest Star