

  • The Vows

    Third in the Elements and Love series. Elsa and Alfie finally become one. One-shot.

  • When He Sheds a Single Tear

    The time has come for Anna to marry. But her heart is broken. It's over. One-shot.

  • Can't Hold It Back Anymore

    It's been four years since Musa's mother's death. When she reminds herself what happened, she wants to keep her tears in and move on. But her family know better. One-shot, done for Challenge: Feeling the Family Love on WCFC.

  • What Makes You Beautiful

    Stella has a lot on her mind due to her parents' constant arguments and the Trix' tricks. When she decides to be herself for one night, Brandon appears to remind her that she's beautiful. One-shot.

  • Standing in the Dark

    "Love is giving someone the power to destroy you... but trusting them not to." Riven breaks up with Musa, damaging her emotionally in the process. But when he realizes he needs her, will she give him a second chance? One-shot, done for the 'Angst' Challenge on WCFC.

  • Forever Yours

    She needs a maternal figure in her life. But she hasn't got one. So she always relies on her boyfriend to help her get through the most painful day of the year. One-shot, done for the One-Word Challenge on WCFC.

  • No Escape from the Storm Inside Of Me

    He is gone. But with his death comes a storm. A storm that always starts raging whenever she thinks of him. Then someone else comes into the picture. Will that someone else be able to stop the storm for good? One-shot.

  • The Past is in the Past

    [Her heart twinges, making her miss her own parents, her mother more than her father. She didn't get to say goodbye to her mother. She didn't get to tell her that she loved her or give her a hug. And she never will.] One-shot.

  • Design Or Read

    Stella's shut herself away in a world of fashion. Then the Winx decide to get Brandon in on the matter. One-shot.

  • Rejection

    The Lion and The Chameleon didn't work. Is The Lion and The Cheetah a living chance? Drabble.

  • Human to Witch, Light to Dark

    Icy's life from an abandoned child, to a care kid, and finally to a witch. One-shot.

  • Beaten

    Last in the Elements and Love series. Elsa and Alfie finish Hans for good. One-shot.

  • The King of Fire

    Fifth in the Elements and Love series. Alfie and Elsa both have different doubts as to having two rulers of a kingdom. One-shot.

  • Flattered

    ['Oh, Wood, you flatter me.'] That's all that's needed to bring on the competition. Post-Hogwarts drabble.

  • Of Questions and Kisses

    [She beams, her eyes twinkling, and leans the remaining distance to press her lips to my cheek. 'It's a date,' she murmurs and her voice is like liquid gold, like a lullaby to my ears.] James works up the courage to do what he'd been wanting to do for years. Drabble.

  • Satellite

    Charlie's the world. And Draco's so lucky. Post-Hogwarts drabble.

  • For You

    For you, I'm invincible. For you, I'm here. For you, I'd sleep. For you, I'd stay safe. For you, I'd do anything. Drabble.

  • That Would Be Enough

    'Write to me. That would be enough.' Seamus is leaving. And Dean doesn't know how he'll cope. Post-Hogwarts drabble.

  • Until the Very End

    [He did the one thing he knew how. He slapped on a smile, his softest smile, lifted his wife's head and wiped her eyes, telling her it was going to be okay, that he had faith, that he loved her.] Drabble.

  • Have Faith in Who You Are

    Remus is worried he'll let the students of Hogwarts down. It's up to his fellow professors to reassure him that he's the best they've had. AU drabble.