Kamen Rider Zodiac

  • Naruto Uzumaki: The Last Kaiju Summoner

    After an attack by the villagers Naruto unlocks an ancient power that was said to have died out years ago. Now watch as Naruto hones his new abilities and trains to become the strongest shinobi and battles new enemies that will strive to do whatever it takes to release an ancient evil that has been locked away for centuries! Godlike!Naruto Naruto x Harem! Poll is done, Thanks!

  • Kamen Rider Zodiac's Spectacles

    When Jaune gets a brand new look, and a bit of advice, he'll soon find himself in many new situations with many of our favorite female fighters! Based off of RWBY: Spectacle(s), image belongs to Exvnir, and RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth. Jaune x Harem, with a nice twist. Note: I do not condone flamers and find them an utter annoyance, so reviews will be removed on sight!

  • Kamen Rider Infected!

    After the spread of a virus, the dead have begun to rise. After two weeks, a young man will soon gain the strength and power to keep his friends and loved ones safe as the apocalypse rages on! "You can try and kill me all you want, but sadly you bastards...I'M ALREADY DEAD!" OC x Harem! Many elements reside from different games and movies, along with weaponry and designs. Enjoy!

  • Kamen Abaranger OOO

    After taking the full blunt of Sasuke's attack, Naruto soon discovers an ancient secret that will change his life for the better. Strong-BAMF Naruto, Smart Naruto, Bashings on: Sasuke, Sakura, Neji, Kiba, and Orochimaru! Multi x over, Naruto x Massive!Harem! Major Story elements reside from 'Rise of the Supernovas' and 'Multi Birth King OOO Naruto'.