

  • His Lonely Upbringing

    Thwack right to Levi's head before taking the rest of his lunch money and running off. It was almost 9 o'clock, too late for any 11 year-old to be walking out by himself. The alley now reeked of week-old trash and Levi's blood, sweat, and tears, as he lied there, unable to get up for the next few minutes. "What the hell did I do to deserve this? As if my life wasn't shitty enough."

  • Reciprocated Love

    A TaichixInaba drabble whilst doing my homework. A movie night where all but Taichi and Inaba bailed and they end up watching something that sparks as a catalyst to their otherwise stationary friendship.

  • Petra Ral's Weak Heart

    Doctors Levi and Hange have become the two most esteemed doctors in the area. However, when Petra Ral is rushed in by the emergency staff, Levi and Hange begin having trouble trying to return her health back to normal. Will they be able to save Petra before her heart fails altogether? A/N: This is my first fic so any reviews would be greatly appreciated :)