
  • Blank Slate

    * REPOSTED AND UPDATED* When his life takes a sudden change for the worst Tala leaves it all behind to go live with his childhood friends, little does he know that there has been a life change for them as well, which will impact him when he gets there. The red head won't like it, but he will have to learn to deal with it.

  • No intentions

    A random evening where two strangers meet.

  • A Beyblade Drabble Series

    This was originally called Random Beyblade Thoughts. I am working on fixing them up due to errors and such. No OCs are included in this series, it is strictly just the original characters. I will be including any and all if I can, I feel some characters don't get the attention that they deserve since others (ex. Kai,Tala,Tyson) get more attention then most. I hope you enjoy :)