
  • Digging up the Past

    Whilst looking for a Mayan artefact, Lara Croft encounters an unsavoury group and has to gather help from someone she would rather avoid…Tony Stark. But every cloud has a sliver Lining. It has been tweaked slightly since I posted it so I updated the chapters.

  • Unfinished Business

    After their adventures in Copre (watch Deus Obscura than Deus Manifestum) Nathan Drake, Victor Sullivan and Kurtis Trent are relaxing in Rome when another Drake emerges and steals Nate's limelight much to the surprise of Kurtis.

  • New Planets, Old Friends, Same Trouble

    During the 5 Year Mission Kirk, Bones, Uhura and Spock are exploring a new planet unearthing a plot for power in the process. With the help of and old friend of Bones' The crew aim to unearth the truth on the young planet and find out who is in the shadows. Changed to M just as a precaution.