Ron gets more than he bargained for when he barges in unannounced
Fred & George have some naughty, loving play time in their room at the Burrow.
Fred and George aren't as discreet as they should be, so find themselves with unexpected company.
Remus thinks on his feelings.
Fred and George have a short conversation about their relationship.
Hermione plucks up her courage and goes to take what she wants. Reality might be a little different to her imagination.
Hermione plucks up her courage and takes what she wants.
It must have been destiny that I was left for you.
Standing on Platform 9 3/4, Harry was watching all of the laughing, smiling children getting on the train, and all of their parents calling out their goodbyes. When he sees Draco Malfoy also standing there, what will he do? HP/DM preslash - ASP/SM
"You okay, Potter?" I asked softly...He gave me this odd look, peeked back at his friends, then motioned towards a corridor a little ways away from the two groups. "Follow me." HP/DM preslash-ish.
It wasn't so much the thing that defined his life as it was the years after. HP/DM RL/SB RL/SS LM/NM JP/LP
Two meet, join, then part.
What if Harry had been able to interact with Sirius upon their first meeting? How would his life have changed forever?