

  • We're the heirs to a glimmering world

    Post-Canon beach vacation where everyone is alive and happy (Erwin Smith/Mike Zacharias, Levi/Eren Yeager, Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein, Krista Lenz Historia Reiss/Ymir, implied Annie/Berthold/Reiner/Armin)

  • I told you I would stay

    Clint is used to be unwanted, so when he sleeps with Phil the first time, he tries to sneak out once they're done. Cue Phil pinning him down and kissing him all over while he tells him all the things he loves about him and how he's never going to be treated like so much garbage again. (Clint/Coulson)

  • Just Tonight

    Coulson helps Tony with figuring out how to cure his palladium poisoning. Fury thinks Coulson is having Stockholm syndrome. (Tony/Coulson)

  • And We Were Like Gods

    Ixas is a good story teller. Perseus appreciates that. (Ixas/Perseus)

  • Hit the Road Running

    Riddick acquires a partner. He's not too fond of that. (Riddick/Reaper)

  • The Sweetest Smile I've Ever Seen

    Toni knows Bruce is going to propose. She has seen it coming from miles away. (fem!Tony/Bruce)

  • Answers Given to Questions Never Asked

    Before Derek is sent back in time Andy asks him to kill his past self to prevent SkyNet from rising (Derek/Andy)

  • Beauty From Pain

    Phil finally takes Jasper on his offer in "Yes Men" (Coulson/Sitwell)

  • I Don't Want Your Heart

    Thranduil cannot love Kili. Kili doesn't care. (Kili/Thranduil)

  • Motorcycles

    The story of Sirius Black and Fabian Prewett slash

  • The Chemistry of a Car Crash

    From the fling between a musketeer cadet and a theology student to not with you/not without you relationship between the captain of the guard and the first minister of France Treville and Richelieu have never been able to stay away from each other. (Richelieu/Treville)

  • Two Ghosts in One Mirror

    Bucky isn't ready to deal with Steve and his memories yet and lays low with Rumlow. That they're both hunted by rogue ex-shield agents who want to take their revenge on Hydra complicates things a little. (Bucky/Rumlow, post catws)

  • A Dishonourable War

    Thranduil will stand up for his people no matter what, even in the middle of a war, even against the High King of the Noldor Gil-Galad.

  • 5 times the team met an Avenger and 1 time they met Coulson's husband

    Five times Coulson's team met an Avenger and one time they finally met his husband. (Coulson/Clint, Fitz/Ward, May/Skye)

  • I'll remember your song (but I'll forget your name)

    Falling changes a person, Loki knows that. Bucky knows it as well. (Bucky/Loki)

  • Strange Steps

    Post-TWS Bucky is looking for his memories. In a bar he meets a guy who's also looking for something. And it occurs to him that he's free of Hydra and he can make his own choices. So he does. (Clint/Bucky)

  • A Thousand Ways to Fall

    Kili survives the Battle of the Five Armies and is found injured by the Mirkwood elves. Thranduil uses him as leverage in the ensuing trade negotiations with THorin but Legolas isn't too happy about that (Thorin/Kili, incest)

  • Passion over Consequence

    Kent meets Tom in a club and goes home with him. Cue Chandler being subconciously jealous. Miles just wishes people weren't idiots. (Kent/Tom, Kent/Chandler)

  • I dare you to live forever

    When they meet, Kili and Haldir fall hard for each other but they only have one night. (Kili/Haldir)

  • Haunted

    Elissa and Alistair have a son but for the celebration of his birth Morrigan and her daughter return which causes Elissa to doubt herself. Luckily Alistair is there to cheer her up. (Cousland/Alistair)