Ellen Brand

  • Somewhere Safe To Sea

    Midnight patrol should be a piece of cake for Buffy, right? Hey, where'd all this fog come from? And why did the water all turn into blood?

  • Terrible As The Dawn

    We all have our inner demons. Unfortunately for HEAT and Angel Investigations, sometimes that's a bit more literal than anyone would like.

  • Another Cycle

    Well, the break was nice while it lasted. Follows "After-Action Report" in Lizards, Wizards, and Demons, Oh My!

  • After-Action Report

    The aftermath of an alien invasion is a time to rest, reflect... and lie your ass off.

  • It's a Sibling Thing

    Nick and Buffy are bonding. Be afraid, be very afraid.

  • Sowing Dragon's Teeth

    Three weeks after Nick goes missing, Godzilla shows up in the waters off Sunnydale. In May. Is anyone else getting a bad feeling here? Higher rating for show-appropriate violence and gaslighting techniques.

  • Gather The Smoke

    This is NOT what they mean by "second childhood."

  • Cinema Sins

    "Based on a True Story" is such a nebulous phrase...

  • Another Vine Mess

    Some road trips end with a bang, not a whimper...

  • Loose Ends

    Major Anthony Hicks has been in the Army a long time. Certainly long enough to know when he doesn't want to know more.

  • Butterfly Effect

    A tiny change can have very great effects, if you play your cards right...

  • Working Lunch

    Two old friends sit down for food and conversation. Set right before Captain America 2, contains vague spoilers.