
  • A Matter of Importance

    A.K.A. "Amanda of Importance"...Can a simple 'shove' EVER be considered attempted murder? And how is this connected to later murders? That is what Amanda wants to figure out when she helps an old friend, as Lee scratches his head, wondering how he managed to be pulled into this mess! Set mid-season 2.

  • The Good-bye

    Daniel feels it's time to quit consulting for the FBI. He claims it's due to his workload, but his decision coincides with Kate and Donnie's upcoming nuptials. Then a new case becomes personal for Kate and Donnie, pulling Daniel into the mystery as well. Can he help w/ the case while pushing his personal feelings aside at the same time? *A Farewell Tribute to the show*

  • Once Upon a Tie

    Mike and Connie had an instant connection the first time they accidentally meet. So can they push their attraction for one another aside as they work an unusual case together? A rom-com version of L and O. And yes, there will be courtroom action included!

  • A Law and Order Autumn

    Fall is upon us and it's time for another story challenge! Writers theSilverChef, TuxedoCat42, MoonlitShadowsoftheHumanSoul,and me, DaisyDay, have each written a Mike and Connie story centering around fall, a season where everything seems to be on the brink of happening! So after raking those leaves, come back inside, sit back with your favorite drink, and read our stories!

  • Puzzled

    Lisbon was unsure if Jane as a consultant was the real deal. Yet on their next second case together, he solved it in less than 15 minutes! But it was their THIRD case that completely baffled them both; first with its intriguing coded message and then with their mutual attraction for one another! Very early season one. (My first Mentalist FF)