
  • And Yet…

    "This is Lenny, the man who's heard and seen it all…He knows she's no lady, no perfect, prissy little fantasy and what's more, he prefers that. He's an observer of the human condition and she - perfectly imperfect Midge Maisel - is more important than God to him, even if her hair does look like shit." A bit of Midge-based introspection in a very blue hotel room.

  • His Eyes Are As Green As A Fresh Pickled Toad

    'She didn't have long to contemplate it, as almost immediately, Harry threw caution to the wind and his lips crashed blissfully against hers again, but one fraction of a thought lingered in her fogging mind, and she realised, with a small, secret smile, that his eyes really were as green as a fresh pickled toad…' A bit of Harry/Ginny fluff... Reviews are love!

  • Interchangeable Irises

    Green met brown, just as they had done almost twenty years previously. A James/Lily and Harry/Ginny fluff-filled one-shot. Reviews are love!

  • Cardinal Sins

    What if you had to protect everyone else? Would you tell the truth and hope for the best?" The Marauders are sinful...and they each have a secret. From James to Snape Not Slash! Reviews equal love!

  • Not Just A Matter Of Wormtail

    A crime which started in my sixth year at Hogwarts and ended with the pain behind my old friend’s eyes as he searched for a reason to believe, trust and forgive." SiriusxOC New Chapter up! Reviews are love!

  • Of Love, Hate, Veelas And Purple Pygmy Puffs

    A series of NextGen drabbles of various pairings, from Rose to Lily...no slash! Current pairing: RosexScorpius..."The second that batters wizard’s hat landed on our heads, there was no chance of anything other than an intense dislike between us." R&R!

  • Fire

    "Humans have this ridiculous notion that in the split seconds before death, our entire lives pulse across our vision in a flurry of disappointment and regrets juxtapositioned with the bright colours of happier times. They are wrong." A little Koschei-Simm!Master thought!drabble following on from EoT Pt2, with some ThetaKoschei fluff thrown in for kicks. Reviews are love!

  • Thank You

    "He knew immediately what she meant: 'Thank you for promising; thank you for saying 'I do'; thank you for giving us a perfect day to cherish forever; thank you for being mine.' Not for one second did he ever regret the day he had risked their lives to give her a perfect wedding day. Perhaps he had known then that it would be the only one either of them would ever have." RemusTonks.

  • Bitter Amber and Broken Buttons

    ...neither of them were ones for ‘making love’; they were desperate for human contact while the world closed around them, they were drunk on Firewhisky and loneliness." Annalise Dearborn was never one for leaving a man to drink alone. SiriusOC. R&R!

  • Brief Encounters Of The Potter Kind

    I have ridden on the Hogwarts Express fourteen times during my life. Seven of those times, I fell inexplicably in love with James Potter." A series of drabbles about how Lily fell in love with James. Reviews equal love!

  • The Colour Of Smoke

    I watch the smoke even more intently than my one-year-old son, each of the colours denoting a perfect moment in my life; amethyst, sapphire, emerald, gold, amber, ruby." The night that James and Lily died, from James' POV. Reviews equal love.

  • Black Thoughts I: Numb

    I have been so cold for so long that I have forgotten how to feel. A one-shot about Bellatrix's thoughts during her final moments. The first in the "Black Thoughts" Trilogy. Reviews equal love!