
  • PenPal: Payson and Sasha

    Who knew what could happen in 2 days off of practice. Payson sure didn't. Come join the fun with two days off and see what happens, to two amazing people. Set about a month before the first Episode. Rated M for future chapters.

  • Protecting My Love

    It's the last year of Hogwarts. Love will be tested and Protected. It will have to face the law, friends, even some family. But it's worth it if it's true love.Hermione OOC

  • Their Child

    Hermione Granger has a Daughter. Only a few people know who the Father is. Come read the Journey of the Daughter who is trying to find her self and find out who her father is. Will she find out? How will she react when she does? Come and read and see for yourselves

  • The Love That Can't Be Broken

    The trio comes home for break. Harry is happy to have is family around him again. Hermione is hoping to finally make Someone see her for who she is, Will he see her as an adult or still the young child from 3rd year. Read and see. Surprises around every Conner.

  • Forbidden Love

    The war is still going on. Harry .Hermione and Ron was still searching.The 7th book in play. Draco has changed sides and now help the order. Him ands Ginny have gotten closer. Lets see how things plan out.Please read and review