CoCo Krispies

  • What Comes After

    Riku and Sora make it back to their island. They find it harder than they thought it would be to return to normal. After all they have seen and done over the past few years, are Riku and Sora simply supposed to forget everything and try to live a simple, normal life?

  • No More Hiding

    Part 5 of 'A Class Act' series. Levi's graduation present to his beloved Eren was to give him anything he wanted that night. Though he had not planned for this. (Smut, lots of smut and damn Levi and Eren have dirty mouths) Follows after 'Inappropriate' 'Further Inappropriateness' 'Completely Inappropriate' and 'Finding Our Boundaries'.

  • Here to Stay

    "I thought they were just catching up on what they missed during their extended nap time." Tony breathed. He had not seen this coming, why had he not seen this coming? This is Stucky, Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes.

  • Finding our Boundries

    Eren moved without question to follow that softly spoken order. That tone of voice was not one he heard very often and it sent heat rushing through him in the most delicious of ways. Nothing got him going quite like a controlling Levi. It never failed to be some of the most intense nights of his life when Levi got like this. (Part 4 of the "Class Act" series)

  • Taking in the view

    "See Levi, isn't it nice to just be taking some time away from work and everyone back at home? Just us and the great outdoors." Eren said happily as he ducked under a low hanging tree branch. Laughing happily as leaves of gold and crimson rained down on him as he passed and sticking in his already messy hair.

  • Completely Inappropriate

    "Strip now and get your ass to the front of the room, stand next to the desk." Levi growled, not hesitating in the slightest to take a good long look at the firm ass presented to him as Eren quickly did as directed and was standing naked next to the desk in record time. Part 3 of 'A Class Act' series

  • All you ever need to do is ask

    Kaworu looked back up it him, the slight upturn on those pale lips made Shinji swear he already knew though. The silvery cat ears that Shinji adored petting twitching slightly as red eyes seemed to stare into his soul.

  • You won't fade away

    Something inside him had been trying to claw it's way out since first setting his empty eyes on the blond man. Slowly the memories where coming back to him in bits and pieces. They were fitting together like puzzle pieces and what the end result was starting to revel made him question just how close the men really had been to one another in their past.

  • Further Inappropriateness

    Eren almost dropped his phone at those words, and quickly bit down on his left hand to stifle the moan that threatened to escape him. Oh how he wanted what Levi was promising him right now. Looking up at the front of the class room he tried not to squirm at the heat in Levi's eyes as they rested on him. He could feel that gaze stripping him naked where he sat. Part2 of 'A Class Act

  • Getting what he wants

    Loki had turned hurt, watery green eyes on Thor. Not a word had been exchanged before Jane had found herself looking up at an enraged Thor. Black clouds rolling outside and thunder shaking the building as it sounded. Made for the Loki Month prompt: Favorite Loki on tumblr.

  • Believe Me

    "Now give us a kiss." Loki had not meant these words in jest.