
  • Style Change

    Lucy is sick of dealing with guys who are...touchy-feely. Cana suggests a small style change, and Lucy takes her advice. Also, is Natsu really as dense as everyone thinks...? One-shot. Short, very short. Rated T for mild language. Genre three can be romance.

  • Dark Levy

    Levy translates a job request...turning her into Dark Levy! She proceeds to insult and tease many of her nakama...what's going on? How can the spell be broken? A short one-shot based of a random idea. Very slight GaLe towards the end. Sorry about the suckish summary...rating due to slight suggestive themes.

  • A Summer to Remember

    The masters give Ray, Allie and Gabe an assignment for the summer. Will it separate them? Or only bring them closer together? Sorry about the suckish summary and title. Genre three could be romance, but there isn't a lot...

  • Gajevy Week 2015

    One-shots based on the prompts for Gajevy Week 2015! Prompts: Cooking, Nursing, Lipstick, Daydreams, Metallicana, Singing, AU. Summaries inside, nothing past rating T. Warning: they may suck.

  • That Mirajane Strauss

    Freed contemplates for a while, thinking about what scares him most about Mira. Just a short, random little one-shot I wrote about Freed and Mira. Rated T for some language, but that's it.