
  • Mending

    The Avengers are on their daily mission of saving the world when they suddenly find themselves in a tough spot they cannot maneuver out of. But they get unexpected help. It will come as a huge surprise whom they find behind the mask. Male!Loki & Fem!Loki, Thorki, Avengers!Madness, a bit of everything, hopefully.

  • The Loki-Tom-Twitterfiction

    Perfectly random story about 2 fangirls getting a visit, thanks to the cover image, by Tom Hiddleston& how it just escalates. Oh, Loki is in here, too. We make lots of references all the way from Sherlock to Shakespeare! This story was born on Twitter with the help of my awesome co-author. Crack! or at least supposed to be, as it is supposed to be funny. It's stupid. Enjoy anyway.

  • What If

    What if a vampire met a werewolf and both started to live together? What if they grew to be best friends, who share all pain and all joy? What if this friendship reached deeper than they admit? What will happen to them? Can two rivaling species live the dream of humanity, with a ghost in tow? Read to find out. Aidan/Josh, more Josh!whumpage than normal, AU, OOC-ish. Please Enjoy ;)

  • Twisted Fate

    What starts as a normal day of work might change the life of one team member forever. It's a twist of fate when teenager Marty Deeks is brought to them as a murder suspect, but this teenager may be more, much more than meets the eye. What will happen to the team? What to Marty? Read to find out ;) Contains rape, child abuse, violence etc. (implicit, mostly). AU. ooc-ish.

  • Vicious Tunes

    Case Fic: An ex-Marine and violinist dies under mysterious circumstances while onstage. The team investigates. Deeks has to go undercover... as the orchestra's new violinist, which might become not only a personal challenge hitting close to home, but also a real one when he might be the next target. Established Densi-relationship, but more Deeks-centric. a bit ooc-ish. Hurt!Deeks.

  • Resurfaced

    Deeks doesn't show up at the office anymore. As it turns out, he is deep undercover for LAPD. The longer the case goes on, the more the team has to realize just how important their liaison is, and how deep in trouble he might be, at the risk of losing himself in the case. Or is it a personal vendetta? Will Deeks resurface or does he go under? Read to find out ;) Ooc-ish, hurt!Deeks

  • Box of Chances

    Life is about the choices we make. Dean and Sam have to learn the very hard way just how even one choice can change everything. Sam is going through a drastic transformation Dean is afraid of, and a lot of it is due to John. How will the brothers deal with their life turned upside-down? Will Dean be able to save his Sammy or is he lost already? Read to find out!

  • Caged

    A night out turns serious when Josh is abducted by a bunch of vampires. Sally and Aidan do anything within their powers to get Josh back, but the rescue turns out much more problematic than they thought, especially when shadows from the past come back to the surface. What happened to Josh? Will they manage to get him back? Read to find out. Josh!whumpage and Josh/ Aidan bromance.

  • Devil in the Box

    A new case brings back some old demons for Deeks when one of his devils comes back out of its box. What will happen? Read to find out ;)

  • Howling to the Moon

    Josh gets sick. Aidan and Sally are more than concerned about the werewolf, especially since his condition worsens the closer the full moon comes. Josh tries to brush it off, but maybe he should listen to his friends? Read to find out ;) Lots of hurt!Josh& sick!Josh coupled with Aidan/ Josh moments, and of course Sally is adorable as ever. Enjoy ;)

  • Truth of the Soul

    For a new case Dean starts in a psych ward, just to find Sam, who was missing in years, as one of its guests. As it turns out, he has psychic abilities, which is why Sam took off, or so he says. Their bond is put to test as time unravels the much darker mystery looming above them and their destiny. Will they pull through or fail? Read to find out. AU. OOC-ish.