
  • Summer Rain

    In the years after the war, Hermione finds herself single and locked into a dull routine of work. A rain storm after a hot summer's day and a chance encounter with an unlikely man from her past changes all that. Lucius/Hermione LM/HG

  • Seeking a Connection

    Hermione is moving on - moving on from Ron, moving on from the past. But someone enters her life who is most definitely part of her past, the last person she expects to connect with. But then, the war changed everyone ... didn't it? A few super hot chapters of super hot Lumione. Lucius/Hermione LM/HG Mature readers.

  • Language, Miss Granger

    Over three thousand words of language related filth. One shot. Snape/Hermione SS/HG. Mature readers only. Don't read if easily offended.

  • Wish Fulfilment

    Everyone needs a treat at Christmas. But when you're a witch, magic sometimes brings you more than you bargained for. A Hobbit crossover treat featuring Hermione, a hot dwarf and a hot elf. Naturally. Mature readers, thank you.

  • Completing Business

    Hermione wants to head home after a long day at work. A meeting with an ex-Death Eater is the last thing she needs or wants ... so she thinks. LM/HG probable one-shot. Rated M. Ahem. (I can't leave him alone.)

  • An Incendiary Combination

    Hermione, now nineteen, is having a private potions lesson. There follows innuendo, tension and much, much more. SS/HG

  • Intrusions of the Mind

    Severus Snape finds a way to amuse himself. A series of insights. Multiple characters, but ultimately SS/HG. Mature readers, please.

  • Lucius Malfoy Makes Hermione Granger's Mouth Water

    A short lemony story full of tangy, juicy, heavy-duty lemons. Not for the faint-hearted, the sweet-toothed or those who take things too literally. Serious lemon action. LM/HG. One lemony shot. Never to be repeated or continued. Written for reasons I won't go into here. Suck it and see.

  • In memoriam

    A poem from a pupil to a teacher, from Harry to Snape, from all of us to him. In memoriam Alan Rickman January 2016.

  • The Slytherin Within

    HG/LM. Two chapters of the usual. There is a celebratory ball at Hogwarts. Lucius is in a particularly Slytherin mood, but who's complaining? Conforms to my story, Discovering Beauty, but can stand alone. More inside.

  • A Time to Dance

    One-shot. Five years after the war. Deathly Hallows compliant. Harry one day comes across a woman he has not seen for many years. Rated M for good reason.

  • My beloved spake

    One-shot. Lucius muses on his life with Hermione one Saturday together at Malfoy Manor. An off-shoot of Discovering Beauty, but able to be read independently. M content and readers accordingly, please. LM/HG

  • Belonging

    Hermione and Lucius attend a conference in Vienna together. It's amazing what you can get up to in a five-star hotel, isn't it? Rated M for good reason. One-shot.

  • A Little Light Relief

    Mr L Malfoy and Miss H Granger give you a crash course on how to relieve boredom during tedious meetings.

  • The Last Potions Lesson Ever

    How do a professor and his most able student say goodbye at their last lesson? Hermione and her Potions Master seem to be able to think of several ways. Rated M.

  • Out of Necessity

    Voldemort holds Hermione Granger prisoner in Malfoy Manor. Lucius Malfoy feels like a prisoner in his own home. The Dark Lord seeks distractions. When Malfoy and Granger are caught up in his dangerous game, they have no choice but to play along. Can they ignore their mutual hatred and do what must be done? How far will they go and what will they discover? HG/LM Mature readers.

  • Retail Therapy

    Bumping into her former Potions Master is the last thing Hermione expects when out on a shopping trip. However, sometimes the unexpected can bring with it positive benefits. SS/HG Post DH. Mature readers only, thank you.

  • Dear Mr Malfoy

    You know those drunk texts you send and regret the next day? Hermione does that, except hers is really long and a howler, not an angry one, but let's just say it has a very clear message. Very mature content. Lucius/Hermione

  • Through a Glass Darkly

    Hermione is imprisoned in Malfoy Manor. Lucius Malfoy has needs. And if Lucius Malfoy wants something, he generally gets it. But someone is watching. Still, if you're Lucius Malfoy, that's not necessarily a bad thing. HG/LM. Bad Lucius. Innocent Hermione. For a while, at least. Mature readers only, please. Ongoing.

  • Cabin Pressure

    Sometimes you meet the most unexpected people, even 30,000 feet in the air. And even two people who hate each other have to pass the time somehow. A one-shot tale of flight, frustration and ... other stuff. Mature readers only. LM/HG