

  • Dean's Prayer

    Dean's prayer to Castiel after Episode 9.09, where Sam is possessed by Gadreel and Kevin is killed, one-shot, destiel.

  • Hamish Holmes

    Johnlock one-shot fiction about their child, Hamish Holmes.

  • Sweet Child

    A story about Sherlock's childhood with Mycroft and Sherrinford (mentioned in 'His Last Vow'),includes their family, his school life, Redbeard and Sherlock becoming the man he is today.

  • Fifteen Years Ago

    Short inner monologue about Dean growing up without his Mother, doesn't include any spoilers about any seasons

  • The Vampire in London

    Supernatural/Sherlock crossover where Sam and Dean go on a vacation to London where they run into a case, as well as the famous detective, Sherlock Holmes