

  • Too Much Time

    Years after dropping out of Yale, Rory starts an internship at the Jeffersonian to try and get away. But she is brought right back to Stars Hollow when a murder is committed at the Dragonfly, forcing her to see the changes in her mothers life. Meanwhile, Booth needs to get Brennan away from work to keep their family together.

  • Broken

    Lorelai and Christopher have more issues than they even know. Set season 7, while Richard is in the hospital. (Luke/Lorelai pairing.)

  • Thunderstorms and Lightning

    Brennan sails around the world with Sully, and things are very different when she gets back. Brennan/Sully Booth/Rebecca Hodgins/Angela AU

  • Roast Beef and Desperate Love

    Lindsay finds the note from Rory in her husbands jacket. One shot, season 5

  • Retention

    Writing prompt: 622 West 14th street. Robin finds so much more than just a box and the storage unit. One shot.