Fanfiction Tony

  • Dealing With It All

    Kirito and Asuna still have a lot to do, even though the SAO crisis is over. Kirito has a lot to deal with, and Asuna is there for him until the end. But what is the end? I'm rating this M so that I can write lemon(s) if I feel like it, but I don't know that I will. If I do, there'll be warnings of course.

  • From the End, To the End

    NaruSaku story about what I think could happen after the war. Takes place a while after the war is over, but I won't talk much about the war. Sasuke is back in the village after helping defeat Madara. Romance, some action, learning. Hopefully you guys like it. Changed rating to M for lemon[s], but there will be warnings beforehand. (Inconsistent Posting!)