

  • The Sweetness Of The Horizon

    Another phone call in the middle of the night calls Reid away again.

  • The Light In Your Dark Eyes

    Everything's changed. Sam struggles to save Dean. Castiel's stolen grace threatens to destroy him. Dean has never felt better. But when desperation leads to playing with Hellfire, something more dangerous than all of them combined is set into motion. Set after S9. Demon!Dean. Knight of Hell. Resurrection fic.

  • A Noble Prince And A Black Hearted Thief 50 Drabbles

    Proteus / Sinbad. Slash. 50 Drabbles.

  • Dig My Shallow Grave - 15 Drabbles

    15 drabbles taking place after the end of season 9. Focus on Demon!Dean.

  • Sweet, Sinful Salvation

    Reborn as a Knight of Hell, Dean's life is changing - and his relationship with Crowley. Struggling with a human blood addiction, Crowley finds himself taking the newly demonic Dean Winchester by the hand and leading him into a world he's losing control of. Together, they try to create a world that makes some sense. Crowlean. Drowley. Demon!Dean. 100% consensual. Gore warning.

  • Possibilities And Lightning

    Ever since Aurora's christening, the rising power of a storm has done strange things to Phillip. Ficlet. One sided Maleficent/Phillip.

  • Till It Be Morrow

    100 word drabble. Daine wakes in Kaddar's arms.

  • Promises

    Daine and Kaddar share a moment before one of Ozorne's parties. Drabble.

  • Bad Things - 5 Drabbles

    AU. Flynn / Hans. Slash. Disgraced Prince Hans tries to use the thief to get what he wants. Told in 5 related drabbles.

  • A Bite Of My Heart Tonight

    AU. Jasper discovers Seth's broken body on the beach, and can't help the hunger within him. But one bite changes everything. Can a werewolf survive vampire venom in his system, and can Jasper survive if he doesn't? Seth / Jasper. Jaspeth.

  • Coalescence

    Coalescence: the process by which two separate masses seem to "pull" each other together should they make the slightest contact. Keenan/Seth. Slash. One Shot. Complete.

  • Of A Different Feather

    Jacob can't help but feel uncertain when he goes to visit his boyfriend. Jacob/Edward. Jakeward. Slash. One Shot. Complete.

  • Sparks Against The Star-Studded Sky

    Seth knows the disaster that's imprinting on a vampire. Jasper doesn't seem to know how to answer. Seth / Jasper. Slash. One Shot. Complete.

  • Tell Me A Story

    As Jasper and Seth await Sam's pack, Seth wants a story. Jasper / Seth. Slash. Fluff. One Shot. Complete.

  • Palace Within My Dreams

    AU Proteus is in love with his best friend, but when Sinbad is sentenced to death, the secret of his blood is revealed and the two are ripped apart even more so then if Sinbad had died. Proteus is determined to save his best friend - even if it means walking where only the Gods and the dead walk. Proteus / Sinbad. Slash.