Project Hypocrisy

  • Safe in Your Lies

    She never would have imagined it would have ended like this: in a damp, dark cell, a disembodied voice that offered very little comfort and a captor that vaguely reminded her of an old friend. This wouldn't end like this, not for her. Sephirothxeveryone essentially (warning: non-con)

  • Of Sickly Symbols and Sleeping Masses

    Sephiroth's having a rough night. He decides to tell us how his uniform came to be. Some general musings ensue. One-shot.

  • Written on Her Back: the Rewrite

    Helena is a fugitive, running from Shin Ra's grasp. Along with her sister, they seek out the aid of a mercenary. But soon they will have to worry about something much greater than Shin Ra on their tail and find that Helena has secrets that may put the world at risk. A rewrite.