
  • King: The unknown truth

    A prophecy was made before Harry's birth which could affect the Wizarding World and the Muggle world. When Harry is rescued from the Dursleys, Harry's magic became stronger as the Prophecy activates. Falling for a red headed boy, Harry questions whether or not its a good idea. Bashing: Dumbledore, Lily, Andrew, Weasleys (Except Bill, Charlie and the Twins) and Hermione

  • Harry potter is a vampire

    what happens if Lily and James didn't died. What happens if Harry come into his vampire inheritance early? Harry/Draco Bad at summary. Also with alive Sirius! UNDER CONSTRUCTION!

  • Eyes Wide Open

    Harry Potter is an abuse child of Lily and James Potter, but what happens when Harry disappears. Sirius have lots of question in his mind "Who took him?" "Why did they took him?" Read & Review

  • Hogwarts Forced to read Book 1

    When Umbridge recieve seven books of her least favourite students, she is forcing Hogwarts to read the books until this student is going down. DECLIMER: THIS IS ONLY FOR FUN. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO J.WLING.