Taurus Pixie

  • Go and Conquer

    Cast out by her master, Seras must try and make a new life for herself, despite knowing so little about the vampire way of life. But when a small coven takes her in, Seras finally begins to fully realise her true potential, falling more and more into the insanity of the vampire world. Meanwhile, Hellsing sends in Alucard to deal with this new and emerging threat...

  • Amicus

    Seras Victoria has an imaginary friend that came to the rescue one day after a string of mysterious disappearances in the orphanage. Except they may not be imaginary... and they might be something so much more special than a mere human friend.

  • Double Trouble

    A routine mission takes an unexpected turn when Seras stumbles across two little vampires amidst the chaos. To make matters worse, they keep insisting that Seras is their mother. But just where did they come from? Can Seras step up to take care of them and get them back to where they came from? More importantly, can she keep Alucard from finding out?

  • Reflection

    Flora had always lived an unremarkable life of poverty in the east end. That is until she finds herself involved in a murder mystery with a bratty earl and his unusual butler, who just won't seem to leave her alone upon their first meeting. Though, perhaps fate has forced them all together for some very special reasons.

  • Hellsing Hijinks

    The life of Seras Victoria certainly took a nose-dive into the weird and wonderful world of the supernatural the night that Alucard had turned her. Nothing will ever be normal for her again. A series of one-shots based on Seras adjusting to her new life as a vampire in the Hellsing Organisation, and, of course, hijinks ensue.

  • A Wilting Rose

    Sonic returns after weeks of absence to find Amy swooning over a new hero. Who is this mysterious red hedgehog who has now suddenly caught her affections? Sonic grows weary of this new intruder, who stole his precious rose away...could he be...jealous? *SOON TO BE RE-WRITTEN*

  • Fated Lovers

    "Fated lovers are always drawn together, silly." Amy's statement could not be more true as both her and Sonic find out. A collection of random, cute one-shots about the lives of the blue blur and the pink rose from a variety of universes. Requests welcome.

  • Project Darkness

    This was it. Sonic was finally going to respect her. Amy grinned at the thought as Eggman pulled out a large file from his desk and began flicking through it. "If you want to take part in my project then I'll need you to spy on that blue pest and report back. Only then can my plan finally work. Can you do that?" Amy smirked evilly. "I can."

  • Hypernova

    Working together with Amy while Eggman and mysterious new enemies chase after her was the last way Sonic wanted to spend his time. But as he tries to protect Amy from these mysterious forces, Sonic soon uncovers the hidden secrets of the chaos emeralds as well as Amy's tragic origin. Through this, he soon realises there is more to his pink fangirl than meets the eye.

  • The Tribal Curse

    Sequel to 'The Future Disaster'. Beware of the Zanybe. Sonic was doing everything he could to heed this warning. He never really believed in destiny and magic, but as he attempts to change his future and save Amy, his actions will have a devastating affect on those closest to him. Sonic soon realises that fate will always catch up despite him being the fastest creature alive.

  • The Future Disaster

    Sonic was just enjoying quality time with his friends until a mysterious young hedgehog appears begging for help. He now must race to a dystopian future where horrifying creatures are terrorizing the world to save his friends and future self. But as he travels through his future, our favourite blue hero soon realises the future is more twisted than it originally appeared.