
  • For what it's worth

    On the eve of the Battle of Five Armies, Fili attempts to lighten the mood, but as the conversation turns toward darker things and the two brothers seek out the comfort of words as new promises are made. For prompt. One shot. No slash.

  • Worth it

    Fili lies strew across a field, Kili at his side. This is how they are found, yet one soul is still furiously trying to keep its grip on the most precious thing in existence. One shot. WARNING: Spoilers for the BOFA.

  • In our time of dying

    It is not the old who will be missed the most come the end of battle. One shot. BoFA. Character deaths. WARNING: might get a little gory in some places.

  • Should starlight fade before battle

    On the eve of battle, two talk in peace of simple things forgotten in hatred and fear by the others. One shot.

  • The elf and the goblin mutant

    Gloin tells his son the story of how the company reclaimed Erebor, including the words of what a certain blonde elf said to him. If you haven't seen The Desolation of Smaug and the Lord of the Rings, this won't make much sense. Two shot. No slash.

  • To Fight And Mourn

    Dwalin's blood was at war with itself, heated fury trying to boil him from the inside out as cold fear tried to freeze the liquid flowing through his limbs. It was all he could do to keep fighting, to reign in the worry and terror that threatened to overwhelm him and allow rage to take over. As it was the goblin spawn just kept coming. – One Shot. No slash. WARNING: Spoilers.

  • The Toymaker And The Child

    It was a slow week, a week that saw few dwarves entering his store and even fewer choosing to buy just one item from the shelves. – A toymaker sits alone in his shop with only his thoughts and toys to keep him company. At least until another comes along and gives him what he was hoping for. One shot.

  • Between a bear and a dark place

    "Easy there, lad. You're alright," Bofur said as he ran over, dropping the needle he had been holding in favor of holding down the thrashing dwarf on the table. Dwalin nodded in acknowledgement to the toymaker and continued with his task, grimacing as each scream tore through his ears. No slash.

  • Here comes the dragon

    Mahal's halls are calling, day is newly dawning/The fires on the mountainside burn bright/Help was not given, the attack was lust driven/O to be a dragon on that night. - 'Here comes the dragon' is just a short song I created about when Smaug descended upon both Erebor and Dale.

  • Dwarflings and iron branches

    "Before the war between dwarves and orcs, before we came to settle here, before you had been born, we travelled across many lands, and within those lands, there was trouble to be had." Mostly fluff and mischievous brothers. One shot. For a prompt.

  • Thorin's halls stand too empty

    Under a starry sky we sit, our hands a breath apart; our future is fire lit, a new beginning and fresh start. Just a poem about a certain ending.

  • Coming Home

    Fili and Dis arrive back home after a long journey only to find that the youngest member of their family has been grievously injured. - This is a one shot and a companion to my story 'Between a bear and a dark place'.

  • Crippled

    Death itself would be a mercy in face of what he now knew. He was broken and there was no fixing it, no coming back. One shot. Am not responsible for any breakdowns while reading the story.

  • Someday, somehow

    Thorin makes a promise to his brother, a promise he swears to never break. One shot.

  • Uncle

    Caught by orcs, the company must figure the way out of a sticky situation, especially when the heritage of both Fili and Kili comes into question. One shot.