
  • Defeating Destiny

    On the night of Garmadon's downfall, Misako in her grief comes to a shocking revelation.

  • Midnight Appraisals

    We often hurt the ones we love the most of all. Raph learned this the hard way. Set in the 2k12-verse right after "The Croaking". One-shot.

  • Common Misconceptions

    Sometimes what is commonly believed is not the truth. When one digs deeper, truths are revealed which lead to a whole new course of events. Raph was lost... And now they live with the consequences.

  • Becoming the Mountain

    "Not everything can be explained by science and logic, Donnie," Leo said gently. "Master Splinter has been trying to get you to realize that for a while. You're still thinking too much with your head." 2k12 verse. Winner of 3rd place for Best Donatello in the Stealthy Stories 2015 fan fiction competition!

  • Double Bind

    A double bind: a situation of conflict from which there is no escape; unresolvable dilemma...when one brother's life is in the balance, just how far will you go, what decisions will you make, what lines will you cross, in order to give him a chance at life?

  • Learning To Fly

    No one seemed to understand how the young Donatello's mind worked, and Splinter learns things about his son he was just beginning to grasp. A turtle-tot one-shot. Set loosely in the 1987 cartoon.

  • Second Impressions

    Edge never liked Kain. So why does he make sense this time? Post TAY.