
  • Sickness

    Seimei really needed to work on his bedside manner. When Nisei gets sick, a visit from his Sacrifice is the LAST thing he wants. Birthday fic for Siemei

  • Childless

    My parents never really wanted children...

  • The Good Ones

    Tainted souls were a dime a dozen. Pure souls were much rarer. After all, he always preferred the good ones.

  • Heaven Knows

    After their demise, Beloved finds themselves, unsurprisingly, living in Hell. Years later, they are sent on a quest to bring Hell to Earth. But is the Earth ready for their resurrection?

  • His First Kiss

    There's nothing Nisei likes more then discovering his enemy's greatest weakness and turning it against them in battle. Then there's his master, Seimei. Okay, so maybe there IS more to life then just messing with your opponents...

  • Snow Day, Snowy Daze

    In a household where it isn't always fun and games, ten year old Aoyagi Seimei and five year old Aoyagi Ritsuka spend a rare snow day together.

  • They Think You're Dead

    Aoyagi Seimei has only been 'dead' for a few weeks. Living with his true Fighter Akame Nisei in hiding, he's growing restless. How much can they get on one another's nerves before something breaks?

  • Ritsuka, It's Cold Outside

    On a cold winter's day, Soubi doesn't want Ritsuka to leave.

  • The Decade

    Ten years after the events of the Danny Solano murder case, twenty-one year old Tom Miller-now known by his cover name of Tony Baker-returns to the cliff side where it all began. A run in with an old "friend" may put things in a new perspective.

  • Psychosis

    Akame Nisei and Aoyagi Seimei have finally been submitted to the local psychiatric center...or have they...?

  • Nightmare

    The nights they slept were the worst.

  • Run

    Kio's thoughts on the strange relationship of Agatsuma Soubi and Aoyagi Seimei. Soubi CAN enjoy being human...if only he can bring himself to run.

  • Sleepless

    Haunted by the past and unable to sleep, Soubi ponders his relationship with Ritsuka.

  • God of Death

    They called him many things. But in that moment, he was a God.

  • I'm Not A Hateful Person But

    He was a people person. He got along with everyone and tried to make everyone feel welcome. But even the nicest people have their limits that just make his blood boil.

  • Blind

    It's the chance of a lifetime for one Minami Ritsu; the chance to get his vision back! But at what cost?

  • Runaway

    Left alone and feeling forgotten, Ritsuka plans to escape his problems by disappearing into the night alone; bound for Gora. But could a couple chance encounters change his mind?

  • The Reception

    The wedding is out of the way. Now the party can begin.