

  • if you mourn my love – don't do it alone

    He has to will his hand not to shake when he weaves his fingers through the fragile piece of hair framing her face, when he cups her cheek (she leans into his palm and Stiles thinks of werewolf anchors and strong connections and the desire to be her emotional tether is something rooted and hot in his chest) and says, "I'm sorry."

  • take me from your heart (and cut me clean)

    He says, "Go with Scott," and she's not sure why but it feels like a betrayal. (aka obligatory finale feels fest.) [9th and final fic in the 'toss me a heavy rope' series]

  • I'm ready to be bolder (and my cuts have healed with time)

    Joan and Sherlock and immediate aftermaths. [Episode Tag to 2.21 "Paint It Black"]

  • promise me this: wait for me only

    'For a heartbeat or two there is an oddly fragile silence, before it is shattered by the rustle of motion; Lydia drags herself forward just as Stiles reaches to pull her in' (or - Stiles and Lydia and the simple truth of just needing someone to keep the shadows at bay). [8th in the 'toss me a heavy rope' series]

  • it's all worth the fight when it's you dear

    If she looks at his face and not at their hands, Lydia can't think about that ancient Japanese legend and hear words like, fate and destiny. [7th in the 'toss me a heavy rope' series]

  • Giving In

    She knows what this is the second he starts that ridiculous swaying. Hermione knows and a dark, tiny part of her hates him for it. She doesn't see the point in this. But for some reason she gives in anyway. Spoilers for DH Part 1.