Harry Potter...once again fates whipping boy. This time the Moste Evile Booke is involved. How will Harry cope with Fates newest SNAFU aimed at his life? How else, With Poise and grac... ah who am I kidding. He's gonna do it his way this time. Sarcasm and Snark abounds! First Evil Dead and HP Xover i've seen. Rated for over the top gore, language and butt kicking.
You see, it's times like these that Harry really needs to learn to watch what he says when Dobby is around. will never truly be 'complete' as I'm alsways coming up with new blurbs and chappies. Rated for possible language and guaranteed naughtiness.
The story of a boy not yet a man who will sacrifice all for the sake of his people. one-shot. character death. not a happy story.
Yeah...i'm a horrible person. one shot on how i see the two intrepid winners.
Have you ever wondered where all that stuff that gets vanished goes to? Harry is about to find out just exactly where all that stuff goes to when he enters...the Vanishing Point
An Omake from My Vanishing Point Story. Rating for language.