

  • Inhale

    "His chest felt tight like someone was sitting on him. He tried to breathe normally but it was coming out in pants and gasps. He was trying not to panic but it was hard not to when you can't breathe properly. " ill!Sam BigBrother!Dean

  • Ten Years Gone

    Sequel to Bring Him Home. John finds out what his deal with Cassie was about. Does he really want to know what is around the corner for him when he ten years are up? Warning: major character death

  • Bring Him Home

    Supernatural AU to the end of series 2. John makes a deal in order to save his best friend. He doesn't know what he has brought upon himself.

  • To Love Another

    AU where Sam Winchester and Sherlock Holmes meet in high school and become good friends. When the friendship turns into something more, will they be accepted? Rated M for strong language and homophobia. Please don't read if this upsets you!

  • One-Shot Madness

    A selection of one-shots based off prompts left by you guys. Read inside for the guidlines and leave me a prompt!

  • A New Life

    After the shocking fight with Metatron, Dean chooses to claim the throne of hell. His little brother, however, might need some persuading. (Spoiler for 09x23)

  • Hold On

    Every story must come to an end.

  • My Brother's Demons

    There's something wrong with Sam.