
  • Misericorde

    Literally translated to 'Act of Mercy'. A knife used to deliver death strikes to mortally wounded warriors. How fitting that a coward such as I has the single purpose of ending the legends of great people with but a single betrayal. And yet, their legacy looks to me with adoring eyes, as if I had helped them. If they only knew the horrors I have done out of terror...

  • A Summoning between Worlds

    In every battle on the Rift, Champions are summoned there via the manipulation of time and space. Of course, not every summoner is perfect, and mistakes are bound to happen. How interesting it is to note the similarity between the portals of the Summoners and the gateways in the Outrealm of Ylisse. Comprises of a series of oneshots of champions entering into Fire Emblem: Awakening

  • Daddy's Little Girl

    He watched as she playfully interacted with the rest of the Shepherds, bringing smiles everywhere with her endless amounts of energy. Her hair danced as she flew through the camp, introducing herself before leaving in a whirlwind. Robin smiled. He would do anything for her. Anything.

  • The Tactician's Code

    Whenever two tacticians meet, a battle must be fought. And in the end, only one walks away.