

  • EO Challenge- It wasn't me

    EO Challenge WOW: Pink- The first day as a big brother, whatever that is.

  • EO Challenge- This, would always be worth it

    WOW-Trash :As long as they always had this between them it would be worth it. Every single fight, spat and fist fight.

  • Love is the Drug, and She is the Supplier

    Killian had thought he was addicted to his beloved rum, yet nothing could prepare him for his greatest addiction.

  • 97 Days

    97 days was all it took...

  • Plagued by Paperwork

    Killian learns the importance of having an Emergency Contact. Killian hurt/Captain Swan fluff

  • His New Usual

    Captain Hook finds out that rum might not be his favorite drink of choice, due to a certain conversation with the lovely Emma Swan. Dedicated to Montana-Rosalie because I absolutely love her stories. Please Review! Implied Smut

  • St Mungo's Patient Party

    "I've been with your father for almost thirty-seven Christmas' and not a single one has gone perfectly." She mused. A small smile tugged at her lip. She bowed her head to hide her overflowing tears. 'Please Merlin, I don't need a perfect Christmas, I just want him to make it to Christmas thirty-eight.' She prayed silently as the Healers rushed around her in a flurry.

  • Burning Day

    This is for 3cheersforidiots for the HPFCF March Exchange. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes Draco Malfoy, once a pure-blooded bigot and a right nasty brat, has shed his exterior and shown his true self, all for one know-it-all Gryffindor. Dramione

  • My Horocrux, My Hermione

    "No, not the being on the run part, the having you by myside through it all part." He amended as he watched her eyes soften. He had to get this out now before he died from a heart attack, so barreling on he got down on one knee and yanked open the box. POSSIBLE COMPANION TO WOOING A WITCH(can stand alone)

  • Attractive Shadow

    She has been reading too many romance novels she thinks as she sips her tea. it was simply a coincidence. There was no way the raven haired heartthrob was pining after her or was there? AU Please Read and Review.

  • Do you Trust Me?

    Did she trust him? That was the ultimate question. The one that scared her more than any Unforgiveable ever could, to afraid to voice aloud because she trusted him more then any Gryffindor. Now would she use that Gryffindor courage to tell him or would she take a page out of his playbook?

  • Wooing a Witch

    Looking at him, she smiled a mischief smile before she said softly "Roses, girls like Roses."

  • Anchor in the Storm

    This is for Lamia of the Dark for the HPFCF February Exchange. All she ever wanted was a safe harbor, a place to feel loved. Could the boy with the raven hair and the coffee colored eyes be that for her? Or would she be stuck out in the storm to weather life by herself?

  • Out of the Lion's Den

    The Brightest Witch of her age, they called her. Obviously not that bright if she was blind-sided by the one she loved. With the help of a bit of Firewhiskey and a bar companion maybe she'll start to see clearly. Dramione

  • Wait to be Called in

    "Blake, stop sweet talking the girl and get your ass in the game! You're up!" Bellamy Blake might just get a shot at playing in the game known as Love, that is if Clarke Griffin is his partner. Modern AU (OVER 12K VIEWS)

  • Monsters of the Land and Sky

    He had to gulp down the unsurmountable hatred he felt towards the men of the mountain as he looked at this little boy. A boy that looked an awful lot like his biggest dream, a mixture of him and his r the first time since landing on Earth he wasn't sure who was the Monster.

  • From Hideous Beast to a Knight in Shining Armor

    Aren't you a little old to be playing make believe?" he asked from his perch at the bottom of the tree. Afraid you won't be cast as the knight, but rather the toad? the girl next door teased him./ Clarke and Bellamy have some fun in the summer sun! Modern AU BELLARKE FLUFF

  • More Than Rubies

    Emma Swan realizes just how much she is worth to Killian Jones on Christmas! AU

  • Your wish is my command

    He didn't realize he was in the business of granting wishes, that is until April Carver came along.

  • EO Challenge- Suds in the Bucket

    WOW: Bucket- Since Dean is a big boy now, he has a very important job. Wee!chesters