
  • It's Not Okay

    Sirius paused, mid step, as he raised his eyebrows at his best friend. His hand unconsciously found its way to Remus’s wrist, stroking the wrist while trying not to smile.

  • Harry, Dear

    Harry falls ill in the Christmas holiday and is taken care of by Molly and the rest of the Weasley clan.

  • A Window to the Past

    "Did I do it?" Donna asked, as The Doctor stared at her with disbelief written all over his face. "That's impossible!" The Doctor exclaimed. Or the one where Donna gives The Doctor a run for his money and Harry is given an opportunity to go anywhere in time and space.

  • Mischief Managed

    "Yes, Ma'am, he's there!" Sirius said, feeling bad for betraying his best friend but at the look his mother sent his way, well, it was every man for themselves. "Traitor!" James whispered.

  • Forgotten

    Most people would say that they were going home for the summer. But home wasn't a word Harry would use

  • Bazinga!

    He knew they wouldn't back down from a challenge. "We accept–" "You haven't even heard…" Draco trailed off, shrugging sheepishly. "Alright, on your own heads be it!"

  • A Bad Day

    "Don't even try to deny it now, 'Mione! You might have fooled my brothers but not me," Charlie said, his eyebrows slightly raising as he wiped away the sweat that dripped down the side of his forehead. It was a bad day. A very bad day.

  • Blue Sea

    "Come on, the last one to the sea has to swim in it!" Remus swore lightly under his breath as both James and Sirius sprinted full speed down sand dunes. He was no runner, and they knew that!

  • The One Where Ron Was Right

    "We're so going to tease him about this," Fred said, with a mischievous grin. "Oh yeah, definitely!" George replied, high fiving his brother, sporting a matching grin.

  • Lazy Days

    He was allowed a lazy day, every once in a while.

  • Babbling, bumbling, band of babboons

    George watched as Harry poured the yellow potion into the tea, and he smirked, his nerves turning into adrenaline once more. This was for Fred, it's for a good cause.

  • For The World

    It was obvious about one thing: Harry was like a son to Hagrid. And she wouldn't change it for the world.

  • Perhaps there'll be oranges?

    Sirius and Remus prank James, but do they get away with it?

  • The Night Sky

    He didn’t notice his tears until one landed on his lips. And that was when the rain began to pour down.

  • Red Velvet

    Draco and Theo are at a wedding. Draco is bored. He decides to play a game while he passes the time, much to Theo's distaste.

  • Believe In Yourself

    Eight-year-old Fred's trying to bake a cake, but things go awry. Luckily for him, his older brother Charlie's there to help.

  • Come Back Here

    Ron ignores the cancelled Quidditch practice, and pays the price.

  • My Darling, Luna

    Luna takes a trip to the Farmer's market.

  • You Wouldn't Expect It

    Sirius chose to prank Remus on the wrong day, it seemed. He had to make a run for it, because, well. Who would like to be in Remus's line of wrath? Not him, that was for sure.

  • Numb

    Regulus wonders how different it would have been if he had run away, too. He still wants to leave his life behind, but what if there was something he could do to change his and others' future?