
  • shouldn't love this traitor

    -but you can't help it. (noxian girlfriends at the bar)

  • The Ten Commandments of Lucy Westenra

    "I will." Ten drabbles featuring the Westenray ship. Loosely follows canon plot until the end, because I'm sick of sad endings. Rated M for mentions. Nothing explicit.

  • The High Priestess and the Warlock

    Actually no, Morgana, he didn't summon you. Why are 'you' here? Mergana, post season 5. Some fluff and suggestive themes, M to be safe. I just wanted to write something semi-happy...for once.

  • and he would wait for her

    Can be read after 'remembrance of mortality'. Modern 2014 setting- Morgana finds Merlin again, but their reunion was nothing like he imagined it would be.

  • remembrance of mortality

    He had thought his wait to be over. How much more will he suffer at the hands of fate? Yet in his solitude he forgets that even if they are destined for more, he is the only eternal soul, so suffer he must. Reincarnation, mergana, character death. Somewhat of a sequel to 'the truth amongst his lies'.

  • the truth amongst his lies

    He is a coward, saying those three words after her death. Spoilers for season 5 (?). Canon settings but with angsty Mergana.

  • Harry Potter and the Black Legacy

    Sirius is tired of being trapped as a known fugitive and Harry being pawned around, and decides to take the war into his own hands. Features shrewd Sirius and powerful allies (so to speak). Bear in mind I have an incredibly short attention span and memory and may have many plotholes in the story, so it is by no means perfect. Fifth year post-Christmas AU.

  • Eyes of Coal

    'A happy ending for a bitter soul, Bright flames alight eyes of coal.' Bellatrix wasn't strong enough to take Azkaban on. An insight to the hidden darkness within her mind, written in bard style. Part of my "Bella's Tragedies" collection.

  • Frozen Heart

    "Goodbye Bella." Inspired by Kylie Concorde. Voldemort wins the war. Decades later, he accidentally summons Bella with the Resurrection Stone, but he has no memory of her...Rated T for safety.

  • Broken

    'End me with a single spell, And send me straight back to hell.' Bella-centric. AU. Takes place after the Second Wizarding War. She is captured and held a prisoner. Take a look into her head. Should be rated M for morbid, but it's T as there's no horrible language or lemon. Part of my "Bella's Tragedies" collection.

  • Goodbye Sirius Black

    Bellatrix is given a new mission: kill Sirius Black. The only catch? He was her lover. This is AU and set during the First Wizarding War. Part of my "Bella's Tragedies" collection.

  • Crucio, then Avada Kedavra

    The devastating effects of the Unforgivables. Voldemort finds out first-hand when he uses it on Bellatrix. Angsty oneshot. AU. Part of my "Bella's Tragedies" collection.

  • The Misunderstanding

    "Rodolphus proposed to NARCISSA?" Bella shouted furiously. A cute...well, oneshot...? Has separate scenes in it, though. Pretty fluffy. There just aren't enough of fluffy Belladolphus fanfics! Rated T for safety, I guess. Also contains Lucius/Narcissa.

  • A Story So Tragic

    Sirius and Bella. Sort of a story poem thing. Rated T to be safe.

  • Eternal Peace

    'A broken voice begs for forgiveness, It howls for sweet release. A salvation from this insane mess, The promise of eternal peace.' A Bellatrix-centered poem. Pretty depressing...sort of. Rated T to be safe. Part of my "Bella's Tragedies" collection.

  • Never Forget, Never Let Go

    Slightly AU. WARNING: Character death canon death, though .

  • Brother I'm Sorry

    'Regulus died with a smile on his face, hoping that his brother would one day understand and forgive him.' Follows canon. Starts in 1979 when Voldemort asks for Kreacher. WARNING: Character Death Rated T cuz I'm paranoid.

  • Ultimatum, A Choice Between Family and Love

    AU Narcissa Black is starting Hogwarts when she meets a certain Malfoy that will change her life forever. Will she listen to her heart or her mind? For Louise Blackweather.

  • Love is a Fickle Thing

    OOC-ish Bellatrix and Voldemort. WARNING: smut, lemon, whatnot

  • Harry Potter and an Insane Way to Kill a Dark Lord

    Last time you were here…Gryffindor…I see…Of course, this time you'll let me put you in… 'SLYTHERIN' Ridiculous idea and plot I formed in my head. NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY! Harry/Bella Draco/Hermione Some of this doesn't make sense. Just don't ask. Time travel.