

  • Safe and Sound

    This letter began the same way all of the other ones did before they had been burned. It did not begin the way most letters did though. Not with a greeting, or with a name, but with a title. It was plain and simple. The letter began with a simple title. His title... 'Uncle...'

  • The Adelita Twins

    The Adelita twins finally enter the Land Of the Remembered. A drabble I thought of a while back when watching the movie. This is sort of a prologue to 7 Impossible Things.

  • They Have Their Doubts

    The two Gods begin to have their doubts about their bet, ending in a brief shipping war between the two.

  • The Steps to Recovery

    After the events of 'Afterbirth', Violet attempts to move on with life without Tate. Luckily, her family is there to help her. Possible multi-shot.

  • Status Update: 100 Dates Later

    100 date filled drabbles between Robbie and Tambry as they go through all of the stages of being boyfriend and girlfriend.

  • Life Without You

    An incident with the WABAC machine causes time to rewrite itself so that Mr. Peabody never adopts Sherman! With out the WABAC, its now up to Peabody to search through this new time line in order to find Sherman and set things right. First Peabody and Sherman Fanfiction.

  • Deny Everything And Run

    Xibalba would never deny his wife anything... Well, almost anything.

  • I'll Still Be Here In The Morning

    In the aftermath of their trip into the Unknown, the brother's find themselves sharing a bedroom for the first time. Gregory is ecstatic at the idea, now if only his favorite and only big brother would just wake up! Mentions of BeatricexWirt later on.

  • The Dance Of Shadows

    A series of one-shots centered around Lorna and her life in the Unknown with her Auntie Whispers and those who come by her home. My first fanfiction for the OTGW series. Chapter 3: The Mother of the Changeling Child.

  • Like A Handprint On My Heart

    A list of brotherly love related drabbles for our favorite Hamada brothers ranging from the movie to fluffy AUs. Chapter 8: Tadashi finally gets Fred to tell Hiro about how Wasabi got his infamous nickname!

  • The Phantom Runaway

    Adopted from mazzdaspazz. Taking a deep breath, he lept from the ledge, before taking off into the air. Jazz meanwhile, was watching from her spot in the living room and feeling that this would be the last time they saw him./ A shocking revile leads Danny to run away from home in search of the answers hes looking for as a few old friends tag along for the journey.

  • Snips, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails

    A collection of one-shots in which Mr. Peabody become over protective of his adoptive child, ranging from when the child is a baby and up until now. Contains a few spoilers from the movie.

  • The Destiny Scroll

    Tigress loses her secret diary and sets out to find it before anyone else can read it. Unfortunetly, Po finds it first. First TiPo fanfiction.

  • On The Next Page Of Our Story

    Sequel to 'I'll Still Be Here In The Morning'. Upon awakening from his trip into the Unknown, Wirt is finally ready to get his life into some kind of order, however, there is no order in the life or Wirt and his little brother Gregory for some reason or another. Infinite Eyerolls and family fluff.

  • When the Cats Away

    Levy and Lucy have been turned into cats, and need to find a way to get turned back to normal. Hilarity and misunderstandings ensue in this random drabble series. Some fluffy pairing moments. My first Fairy Tail fanfiction.

  • Mother's Day

    Ms. Grunion is at it again and is more determined than ever to get Peabody away from Sherman and this time shes targeting a very sore spot to both the father and his boy. Peabody now has to make a choice on what is best for his son, and what is best for their family as a whole while also questioning himself as a parent. Human AU. PeabodyxOC

  • Goodnight Beatrice

    Before leaving the Unknown, theres one thing left that Wirt has to do. WirtxBeatrice.

  • 7 Impossible Things

    My what-happens next drabble story, in which Joaquin finally finds the love of his own life, our favorite gods strike up another bet, and Manolo and Maria starting a new chapter in their lives, all happening in a series of crazy and wild events.

  • The Reason You Stayed Here

    There is a reason why he was left behind in the remains of his empty factory. There was a reason why that voice in his mind did not leave along with the Lorax. There had to be a rhyme to reason for them remaining there, but did it have anything to do with the small child that brought herself to his home? Rated T for swearing and Once-ler/Greed-ler angst and arguing. Not pairing.

  • The Misadventures Of Deddy Bear

    And Charles for that matter. Title basically says it all.